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Critter Cage


New member
I broke down and bought the 20 gallon long critter cage, and my only problem/question is that the screen on top seems a little flimsy. We have cats in the house and it worries me that they may try to lay on top of it. Any suggestions on how to remedy this?
I'd buy stiff hardware cloth and build an additional screen lid to go over that- fold the corners so it will just set down on top. Or you could build a wood-framed HEAVY screen lid to set down on the top, too.
Lose the cats! Seriously...

Heyyy that's not nice!! I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have my kitties. I love my snakes but I prefer my warm cuddle buddies.
I only found my cat sitting on top of my one and only tank twice. Luckily she knows that when I clap and say no, if she doesn't move the spray bottle comes out. She hasn't sat there since I sprayed her, and that was over a month ago.

Double sided tape also works GREAT cats hate getting sticky things on them.
They make wooden "hoods" for aquarium tanks, its a big wooden box that fits over the the top of the aquarium. You might be able to find one and use it on your critter cage!:cool:
I have a critter cage too, but not any cats to worry about. I would recommend getting a flat piece of board to go over the top if you're worried about them sitting on the screen and ripping it.
My cat broke through a screen lid once! Beware.

We ordered a lid from Petco for a 40 gallon, which was a hinged metal screen lid: very sturdy.
That's how we lost our first snake a decade ago. Tank came with the mesh screen top. The cat was never allowed in the room unattended (office) but one night when we were gone, it somehow managed to get in, jumped on the screen top & ripped it. So this time around, we used a grill top instead. Still a bad idea though because though it's sturdy, the tail can peek through which has proven to be too tempting for a cat.

What we should have done is either put a plexiglass on top (with holes drilled) & affix it to the grill top (or mesh in your case) or line the grill lid with screen mesh. Costly & heart stopping lesson learned!
I'm telling you...no cat, no problem! ;)

LOL I don't have dogs.. so nothing to compare to there!

But the same can go the opposite.. no screen lid no problem! Unless you have one of those smart cats that can slide open doors. Like mine. Thank goodness for locks.



