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Crocodile on plane kills 19

Sounds to me like people freaked out and made the plane crash. The croc was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Read under the picture,

"A plane crash in the Congo that killed 20 people could have been caused by an escaped crocodile"

Could Have Been sounds fishy to me.

Love the Fatman
I had a comment, but it was probably caused by my irritation, so lets just put (Generic "how-far-back can we put the blame" reference)
That's a horrible story. :C Not only did the crocodile die from people's ignorance, but people died too! In their fright, they managed to make the plane crash, just because they saw it. It was small enough to be in someone's carry on bag, so not big enough to kill anybody easily. As a result, all but one person died. How tragic.
"One of the passengers had hidden the animal, which he planned to sell, in a big sports bag, from which the reptile escaped as the plane began its descent into Bandundu...
Interesting article.
So...some selfish goon's greed and lack of respect for wildlife import/export laws...cost 19 people their lives.
If it was small enough to be in a sports bag,...I don't see myself 'stampeding' anywhere....
But hey, in "the Congo"...doesn't everybody have a machete...???...**
Kind of like we have car keys, fingernail clippers, or maybe a pocket knife. LOL.

I often dream I am flying. Sometimes in a dream-aircraft,...and sometimes I can just fly.
I have even dreamed that everybody crowded to one end or one side of the plane, but I don't know why. And we never crashed.

**Note : If my mom would've been on that plane, little crocky would very likely have been similarly 'cleaved in twain'...courtesy yours truly.
While I agree that it was really idiotic that someone was smuggling a croc on an airplane (aren't they supposed to do the whole x-ray thing with everyone's luggage??) I think it is even more idiotic that the plane crashed because everyone panicked. Why can't people use common sense!? Its a vanishing trait these days...
Nothing like accurate journalism & just the facts reporting. Could they have put more spin in the title to that story?
What if that guy didn't feel safe leaving his pet croc at home? They, the journalists, do not know whether or not it was his pet, or if he was trying to sell it.