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Crossing my Scaleless Everglades with an Albino Black Rat Snake


New member
I originally purchased my male Scaleless Everglades to go with my female of the same species and morph, unfortunately my female has been a bit of a problem feeder and will in no way be ready to breed next year as hoped.

So...I am think I will cross him out with my recently acquired Albino Black Rat snake. I have always had a fondness for Bubblegum rats (although I know Kathy Love's snakes also had yellow rat snake), so I am thinking that at F2 I can produce some pretty cool albino scaleless snakes.

My question being, How difficult do you guys think it would be to sell part of the F1 hatchlings? And for how much should they sell for?

While the F1s will appear "wild-type" (unless there are unknown Hets in the mix), they will be het for both Scaleless and Albino.

Any thoughts on this are appreciated!
