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Culling Queston


New member
Momma mouse had a litter of 10 Sat night/Sun Morning. I culled out 4 Sunday morning. Is it okay to take the rest out now, or should I take 3 today and 3 tomorrow? I want small pinks for Vern and have plenty of large (3g) pinks from TMF. But I don't want to cause momma any problems. Not that she has a long term, given she's in line to be Butter's Dinner in a few weeks...still, I wanna be nice to her while she's here.
I've culled the whole litter without seeming to cause any problems for the breeder mice. At the pink stage they grow so fast that mine can go from 2g to 3g in a day if I've waited an extra day through mistiming!
They were still pretty small, so I took 3 and will take the next three tomorrow. Momma got a Wheat Thin in trade.
They were still pretty small, so I took 3 and will take the next three tomorrow. Momma got a Wheat Thin in trade.

awwww, a Wheat Thin. I need to start doing that. Taking the litter is probably the hardest thing in the culling. It's not the culling of the pinks, but I feel bad when momma does the search through the cage for the babies. Gotta get some Wheat Thins.