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Cutting Eggs...


How long would you wait before slitting the eggs? I have a clutch that was due 7/15. One baby hatched on 7/19 but no more have pipped. Is that weird? Should I just wait?
I had a clutch of 16, all hatched except one. They hatched one their 46 day. I waited until two weeks and slit the last egg open, it did not respond when I touched it. I pulled i out if the egg. I was dead. it's upper boddy was not attached to the lower half.

Can you still see veins in the eggs? Is the shell still firm like it always has been? I noticed that when the egg went bad, it got really soft.
If I you can still see veins and the look good, I would just leave them.
Jen fingers crossed your babies are doing fine! Let us know what you end up doing. Do they look good when you candle? How many days are they?
I don't like cutting eggs, but at the same time I'd be worried if just one hatched and then nothing. Unless the one that hatched had somehow been warmer than the rest and hatched sooner?
Tough call. I think in your shoes I might slit just one to make sure it wasn't DIE. But my usual advice in these cases is to just leave the eggs alone.
They are day 65 I believe. The baby that came out still had it unbilical cord attached and I had to cut it so it could get away from its egg. I'm hoping the little guy just decided to leave early and the others are still ok. The one that is out seems to be fine.

Thankyou for all of your info. I think I am still going to wait for now.
Mmm, sound like you had an early hatcher then. If the rest of the eggs still look good, not yellowing, collapsing or sweating a lot then I would just leave them be and let nature take its course :)
I would wait, I am a proactive person and do cut when I feel that it is needed. Usually it is when a couple are left and it has been 24 hours after the last one has hatched. However, I know in your situation since that one came out with his cord still attached (does happen but in my experience not often) I would go ahead and wait a little longer. I have never had mine go past 65 days but I do know people who's did go to 80 days. Maybe your little guy just was tired of being cramped in his egg. lol
Many people are saying their clutches averaged 68 days this year. I incubated at room temps (which were fairly cool near the beginning), so mine went 84 days. I was beginning to think, well, I might have to do something if they hit 90, but even then I would probably have talked myself into going to 100 by then. Mine started pipping on Friday sometime and I still only had 11 out of 18 pipped and/or hatched this morning (six are out of their egg), so I would wait longer than 24 hours. It's a personal call on whether to help at all; I tend towards letting mother nature take her course. In this particular case, I would not cut, because it seems to me that the little guy should have stayed in his egg since he was still attached. ;)
Ok so I decided to cut one egg after looking at them and deciding the eggs looked like they were going bad. The baby in the egg was d.i.e. So I cut another one and it was d.i.e. too. So I cut the remaining 3 and they were a d.i.e. as well. They were all terribly deformed. I didn't feel the need to take pics since they were fairly gross looking anyway.

So out of a clutch of 25 only 1 survived. It looks fairly perfect too. I don't know what went wrong with the others, but they were not my eggs originally. I got them from a lady that had four males and one female together and accidently had a clutch. I took them in as a learning experience just in case my clutches went bad. When I got them she had them in cold soaked moss the smelled bad. I changed the eggs over to spagnum moss as soon as I brought them in the house hoping they would survive. Obviously that didn't help.

She wanted one of the babies but as far as I am concerned they all died and the last one will stay with me for now.

Here is the little survivor...
Awwwww Jen I'm so sorry. I don't blame you! After all you've been through this little one deserves YOU! A much better home!!!!!
Aww, I agree, the little survivor deserves a better home than that co-habber will give!
Deffinitely tell her they all went south. She would probably put that little one in with the others and who knows what would happen. As to slitting eggs, this was my first clutch and I only slit on day 70 because of a storm that had tossed my eggs out of the incubator and I feared they were d.i.e. Luckily they were fine. I do not think I would do it on purpose without an incident until day 85 and then it would be a simple slit. Not extracting the animal, just giving it a hand with getting out.
sorry that happened ): Thats always a real bummer!

Any way about cutting the eggs

my entire clutch went to day 92, so would have to say, most of the time, i would stick to not cutting.

and as far as the deformities i would go with a slightly cooler temp, most deformities are caused by growth occurring too quickly.

but again ): im sorry, and yeah dont let the little guy go to a cohab!

good luck little bud!
Oh I am so happy that the little he/she is with you. I would tell her that the whole clutch didn't make it and I would be tempted to she her one of the babies. So could see what she did. Can you imagine how the poor mom is doing with 3 males up her butt? I have told people a number of times with my clutch that they all had homes or I lied about how many made it because I knew that they wouldn't be a good home.