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D.I.E. Or just taking their sweet time?


Senile Member
First egg hatched on Saturday, the 14th. Last 5? eggs, no change. I have never experienced such a substantial difference in hatch times.
Are they taking their time,or are they D.I.E. and I am wasting mine?

(By the way the one egg that hatched, hatched a kinked normal. {due to temp spike.} )
I've had eggs from the same clutch in the same incubator, hatch over the space of a fortnight (unaided).

However, if you had a heat spike I wouldn't be too optimistic in your shoes. It's worth leaving them if they still look good - you never know. And although I never normally advocate slitting, it might be worth just opening one egg up to see if there's any sign of life.
How many days are you at? I had one hatch on day 81 & the others hatched over a period of 3 days.
72. And they are beginning to collapse, I just checked them when I got home. I don't hold much hope for them.
Mine starting hatching at day 84, but once they started, they were all done within 3 days. One that had been dented for quite awhile didn't hatch, so on the fourth day I slit, but it wasn't even a fully developed hatchling. I think after that long, I'd slit one.
Usually if after a week they haven't hatched, when others did, I'll cut them open and have a look. I've never cut open to find a living one if it was a week after others hatched- always DIE. So I suspect yours are as well. Sorry, sometimes these things just happen.
It actually gets worse. I lost one of the females that layed these eggs. I am not sure if she were egg bound or? She died about three weeks after laying the clutch... She laid, ate twice, three times(?) then died. It wouldn't be so bad if there could be a next year...
I'm so sorry to hear that. The loss of the adult female is even worse. What rotten luck.
So far I have only had one hatch, and it has 2 or 3 kinks. But it did eat a frozen pink, right after it's first shed.
It is a good sign that it ate. I have heard of a rare one growing out of kinks too, perhaps they were caused by weak muscles and corrected themselves with age and exercise not sure. No matter what I am pulling for you and the little one!