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Dante's Progression Thread Reboot


Shameless Addict
Apparently at some point, I had moved all of the images of my snakes and therefore his old progression thread no longer has his images...making for a bad progression thread. xD So, let's try this again...

Dante is a very handsome hypo fire het anery and stripe purchased from Nanci at Snicker Snakes! ((Still lots of thank yous and loves for him, Nanci!)) He is unwittingly the future mate of Butters, my butter stripe, but I don't think he'll mind too much. ;3 At any rate, excited to see if Butters has any hets (as Dante's genes will test for most things!) since she was just sitting in a pile of byproducts when I got her.

Back to Dante, he is super GORGEOUS and so bright!! My piddly camera cannot do his colors justice, but...pics anyway! :D

The day we picked him up and took him home, the adventurous little guy set right off exploring his new home (and probably enjoying the much-needed stretch after being shipped). ((Narrator: -ahem- For best results, please play Fall Out Boy's version of "What's This" when viewing these first images. This was his theme song as he "ran" around his tank. xD))





I was a proud snake momma when he ate for us! And he always rights himself and goes for the head. So smart! <3

And a picture of his happy home. <3

And his favorite place ever--the top of his "tree". He doesn't care if he just ate and has to crawl all the way up there...

...or if he simply doesn't fit anymore. xD

Our little guy has grown up so much! And since today was an overcast day for part of the afternoon ((wait, we have those in Texas?? o_O)), I took him out to try to get some updated pics and better views of his colors!

He used to fit in our hands...

...now, not so much...but he tries. Mostly because he wants to see the camera. xD

Again, he's sooooo bright! I still can't believe it!

And such a smoose-hound, too. xD Look at that face! "Heeeyyyy..."

Thanks for peeking! I'll try to update more often. :p
Thanks guys! :D Yeah, definitely recommend a Snicker Snake for people looking to buy! ;]

And he does have a very gentle and calm demeanor. Even when eating. He'll go up to the food...poke it with his nose...open his jaw slloooowwwwlllyyyyy....nom. xD
I saw this while we were on vacation at the beach- he looks great! Look how big he is!! And how bright!!
Dante is very difficult to get pictures of...the little squirmer. xD

But yeah, doing great, still too bright for my camera!