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Darin re:wrinkle


New member
Hi Darin you mentioned you wanted to know how my hatchling Wrinkle ate. He shed this weekend, and my first attempt last night with an F/T pink...I did stab the pink a few times in the head. He stared at it for an hour and then this morning I woke up to a snake will a full belly! :D

Glad to it all worked out for you!

I just had a batch of second clutchers that I didn't immediately catch when they were laid. I saved them all, but almost the entire clutch (all but two) were complete non-feeders for me (I say "for me" because I shipped them to someone else and most of them are eating now). The two that did eat something, took only anoles scented pinks at first, but both of them took completely unscented pinks for me last night.

I was just wondering how the "wrinkled" aspect of the eggs might affect a corn's desire to eat once it had been brought back from the brink. I didn't want to say anything previously, so as not to jaundice the "test" on your baby's progress.

Thanks for the info! :cool:
Well this little one I think will keep eating.

But he is a bit different from the others, although it may just be a personality quirck...When you come into the room the others just lay there or wiggle tails...but not this guy....he lifts up his little head and neck like a perascope (like Ball pythons do sometimes) and watches you move around the room. His little head follows you everywhere. None of the other do that. If anything he is more alert.

I thought he would be sickly and a bit weaker but I guess it goes to show you nature has a way.
