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Dead tail tip?


Romulan with corn snakes
I feel terrible. My snake just finshed shedding, and now the tip of his tail appears dead, along with all the scales appearing to be missing. He did have a bit of skin left from his previous shed, and I heard that that could cause damage. However, I didn't see it until too late. I did remove it before he shed for the second time... Maybe that wasn't the right thing to do. the tip is black, exept for the very end.
Is there anything I can do to help my baby, or he be like this forever? Sorry for the lack of pictures, can't get him to stay still... :(
I had the same exact scenario happen to my corn. I didn't realize it until the tip of his tail was brown and dead. It will fall off on it's own, unfortunately, it will not grow back. It really isn't anything too serious, it happens. To prevent it, since it could happen again and more of the tail will die, try adding more humidity or a bigger water bowl perhaps. When ever I see someone had just shed, I pull them out to check that their tail fully shed and their eye scales shed. It's just a good habit to have. Hope this helps!
If it's causing him pain then that might indicate a deeper problem. Generally they can lose the very tip of the tail without having anything other than a cosmetic issue.

How much of the tail is affected? If you're talking about more than a couple of millimetres then there may be a bigger problem like an infection, which would need a vet.
it's just the tip of it, not more than 4mm long... Just the tip... Maybe it doesn't hurt him, he lets me touch it... :\
Only you can really be the judge of whether its causing him pain. If you now think it *isn't* hurting, I'd just keep an eye on it to make sure that the affected area doesn't spread.
Same thing happened to me. It will most likely fall off. When it does, just keep the area clean with peroxide and plain, normal, not pain killing Neosporin.

It happens to a lot of people. Don't beat yourself up. Just be sure to check after each shed to make sure it doesn't happen again.
I had one where I thought the end of the tail was dead (likely from getting caught between a deli cup and the deli cup lid), it was black and ugly. Slight indent where the smash had occurred. I left the snake in a wet cotton bag for 2 days and managed to pull the dead old shed skins off of it The tail is still alive, just has a little kink in it. Sometimes what looks dead might not be.