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Defective Rheostat??


New member
I have a 33gal aquarium that I just got set up for my little corn. I got an Ultratherm UTH and a ReptiTemp Rheostat from beanfarm.com.

I put a layer of news paper, then about an inch of aspen bedding. I buried the temp probe for the thermometer under the aspen, but on top of the newspaper. When I plug the UTH in and turn the rheostat on low it goes up to 100 degrees.. isnt the point of the rheostat so you can keep it at a lower temp and not have it go so high?? Any suggestions or do you think I just got a defective rheostat (which would be my luck). :realhot:
I think it's defective. Or at least, not effective enough. You might be happier with the 500R thermostat.
I have never used the brand of rheostat you mention. But yes the purpose of the rheostat is to control the heat. 100* is higher than I would like to see the temperature. Have you done some trouble shooting to determine where the problem really is?

First check to see that everything is hooked up according to the instructions that came with the rheostat.

Move the thermometer probe to another location and see what the temperature is.

Easy check for a thermometer, fill a glass with ice then with water. Wait 10 minutes and the temperature of the water should be 32* F 0* C. Once the temp has stabilized, it won’t change as long as there is melting ice in the water.

Change the rheostat setting from low to high and monitor the temperature.

Try taking the rheostat out of the circuit completely and see what the temp is.

If you’re sure it is a rheostat problem call the Bean Farm, they are great people and I’m sure they will work with you to make it right.
Thanks for the suggestions.. I checked everything, turning the rheostat to medium made it go up to 103 after a little while, and when I plugged the UTH right into the wall it went to 111. I fear it is a problem with the rheostat, I will be contacting the bean farm soon *sigh*
Do you have the snake already? If so, you can put a ceramic tile, in the viv, over the UTH to cut the heat down until you get the replacement.
I am having the same problem with my zoo med uth and zoo med rheostat.

I didn't go about my first trial too scientifically, just noted that the uth alone was too hot (110!), added the rheostat, on low, and expected it to go down. It did... to 98. UGH.

I am trying another experiment now... plugged the uth in directly to see it's max temp. I am going to wait a few hours just to make sure it has reached it's max. Then I will plug it into the Rheostat on the highest setting. Wait. And then turn it down from there.
There are basically no instructions on this dumb thing.

Will let you know.

ceramic tile suggestion is good, Nanci. You say "until you get the replacement"... would such a method not work out long-term?
Well, yeah, but the rheostat ought to get the UTH down to a useable heat by itself, or what's the point??

I can't stand on/off thermostats any more. For me, although some would say cornsnakes don't "need" the accuracy, a nice proportional thermostat, like a Herpstat, is worth the $125 bucks just so you can set it and not ever mess around with it again ever.
Do you have the snake already? If so, you can put a ceramic tile, in the viv, over the UTH to cut the heat down until you get the replacement.

Yeah he is in there now, but its full on summertime here in NC so its around 80 degrees in my room anyway. He's also in the blue so he wont be eating for a while (no need for belly heat) but I will try your suggestion when its feeding time again
The tile idea will only work short term. If the uth is 110* eventually so will be the tile.
I had the Zoo Med ReptiTemp Rheostat too, and it did the same thing. I tried to work with it for 3 days but the temp. never went down. I kept trying to turn it off and on to try and reset the device. And, I even tried to unplugging it for a few mins. But, the temp still stayed around 100-110. So, I just returned it. I guess you get what you pay for. I bought it for $20. I ended up just hooking my other uth to my Zilla temp. controller that I bought for $40-50.( I don't remember the price anymore.) And it was totally worth every cent. Now my temp ranges are perfect.
Ugh I wish someone had let me know these things were pieces of crap... I asked you guys before I bought everything.. where were you! come on now!

lol jk.. but srsly this sucks
I've run a few ZooMed thermostats, but never a rheostat. They've been ok, but need occasional tinkering with. Whenever someone suggests a more expensive, but very reliable and accurate thermostat, no one wants to spend the $6/year for the life of the snake to invest in one...
how I got temps into range with ZooMed

I've run a few ZooMed thermostats, but never a rheostat. They've been ok, but need occasional tinkering with. Whenever someone suggests a more expensive, but very reliable and accurate thermostat, no one wants to spend the $6/year for the life of the snake to invest in one...

Well, I never said that i wasn't willing to invest in the right product for my snake. I'm new, don't even have the snake yet, and simply trying to make sure the environment is exactly right before I introduce the animal to my home. My Bad for not specifically asking which rheostat to buy. But it was the most available brand; I wrongly assumed it would be just fine.

...That being said... After extensive tests, I think I got my ZooMed products to produce a good result. I have had consistent temps for almost 48 hrs now...

I had had the ZooMed UTH affixed directly to the bottom of the tank (as per the product instructions). So, I removed it, placed a cut-to-size towel between it and the tank, and taped the UTH back on with duct tape, leaving enough space for some air flow. I got temps in the high/mid-90's, so I plugged it into the ZooMed Rheostat and, at the medium/low setting (so there is still room to work with it if need be), I was able to get it down to 85 degrees.

The cool side was reading about 65... that may go up to acceptable range in the summer, but since as I live in a Northern climate and can't afford to keep my entire house heated to 70+, I figure I will need a heat lamp at least some of the time. I got a big dome and a low wattage bulb... perfect...it gave me that extra 5 degrees I needed and had little if any effect on the warm side of the cage (my temp probe for warm side is under the substrate.)

So I am pretty happy. When these sub-par ZooMed products crap out on me, I'll certainly invest in a better rheostat or whatever else is needed.
You might like a ceramic heat element better than a lamp. The life is _way_ longer! (Mine has never burned out, whereas I go through several bulbs a year on my dragon).
I'll check that out... I don't recall seeing one one at the store or the sites I have checked... do you just mean a space heater for the room? I figured that it wouldn't be energy efficient. (??) If you have a link to the product that you are talking about, I would really appreciate it!

I'll really only need this in the winter.
Fortunately, I got this lamp from a friend that used to keep a reptile... I just had to buy the $5 bulb. It looks to be a little bit higher quality than your standard incandescent, But yeah, constantly replacing a blub isn't a good thing.
Something like this:


I think the one I have is 60 or 75 watts (you can find them everywhere- so you aren't stuck with the 100 watt that Big Apple has) and it raises the air temp of an open 40 breeder about 10 degrees, with it say 3" above the top. I think I'd get a stand if it was for a snake, instead of setting it on the screen, because that can get so hot. I have mine on a timer so it just comes on at night, in the winter.
Ah yes, I have seen those online. I'll keep my eye out at the stores. Hopefully, I have a few months.
Am i doing something wrong. Leonore says her temp probe is under her substrate. I thought it was supposed to go on top off the substrate. Sorry if i am being thick here.
The temp probe goes in the hottest place your snake could come in contact with, in the center of the UTH under the substrate, directly over the UTH.
Thanks Nanci, My corns are in a plastic faun at the moment. I have had 80* on top of the substrate, i just moved the probe down onto the plastic bottom and it read 87. I am setting up my glass viv tomorrow so i will put the probe on the glass.