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Definition of Corn Snakes

To edit Wiki it's I think as simple as creating a log in and clicking edit next to the different titles. Unless they've changed it.

The facebook page though you're probably going to have to get in contact with the person who made the page, via message, and make suggestions of edit that way.
To edit Wiki it's I think as simple as creating a log in and clicking edit next to the different titles. Unless they've changed it.

The facebook page though you're probably going to have to get in contact with the person who made the page, via message, and make suggestions of edit that way.
Yes and no and I don't know. On the wiki subject. I have seen plenty of requests for more info and more precise info on wikipedia.
And yes, no obstacle to registering and having a screen name on there.
I would think that one could not just embark on capricious editing without good reason, and without sound footnotes and/or references.

Regarding facebook, I've never looked upon that site as..."encyclopedic"...or "scholarly"...even on an intensely charitable day. Far from it. It's Z-berg's "social" vehicle by which he's well on his way to becoming the first quadrillionaire. Always leaves me feeling like I need to shower. Perhaps even consider a sponge off with a little 91% isopropyl.

Here we go, something useful : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:How_to_edit_a_page