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The Rule Of Thirds.
No snark, no puns, no cheap jokes.

My life is going to change in the next week, and I don't know if I have the emotional wherewithal to handle it. The times, they are desperate.

Many of you know that I've had some health issues in recent years, having had two hospital stays for pulmonary emboli since November of '06. I've documented them here, and here. Its impact has trickled down, so to speak, and as all major health issues do, to other aspects of my life, be they professional, emotional, and/or personal.

In the past couple of months, the PT/INR levels have been kind of all over the board, despite the fact that I've been consistent and rigorous in my meds. I'm now considered a high-risk kind of patient, and the doctors, my family, and hell, I myself, consider it "inadvisable" for me to live by myself for the next few months until 1) they determine why my levels are all over the place, 2) how to get those levels consistent, and 3) keep them consistent.

In other words, I won't be living my preferred "country" life, by myself, for at least 3 to 4, but probably 6 months. I'm moving in with some family members.

The fallout of this?

First off, I have to give up my reptile-keeping hobby, or at least find someone willing to hold onto my collection until my condition stabilizes.

What's worse, I'm going to have to give up/foster Bo, for the same length of time.

I'm trying to maintain the perspective of "it's for the best", because, let's face it, if I can't get my condition stable, I'm not doing anyone any good.

But I'm failing at this. I'm losing it here.

I only wish I could offer you more than moral support from afar, but you certainly can have that. Please try to keep thinking positive.
Dale, I'm at a loss for words... but I do hope and wish for the best for you. Please do keep us up to date on your road back to full health.

All the best, man!
sorry to hear about this! I'll be praying for you. Surely there's something that can be done where some critters can be fostered out till this storm of life has gone by. You hang in there!
I'm so sorry to hear about that, Dale! I may not know you that well, but if I lived closer to you, i'd take in as many animals as possible until your condition stabilized. I truly hope you're able to find somebody that can do that for you so you don't lose everything. I'll definitely keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
please be OK!

I really really wish I was closer to where you live, I would for sure help with your animals. If there was some way for you to ship to Canada, I'd watch as many as I could for as long as you needed.

You aren't failing at anything, sometimes the best choice in how to deal with something is still a ****ty option. Please keep posting here even if you're living somewhere else.
I'm really sorry to hear of your condition and hope you get better very soon..I wish I could offer my assistance with the animals but I live way to far away and my fiance doesn't want anymore pets in the house right now...I am hoping for the best for you though...stay positive in thought....bad times are always followed by good sooner or later :0)
I'm very sorry to hear your not doing well. I hope the doctors are able to figure out what is up and are able to help you very soon. If I lived near you or was able to ship I would definitely foster some of your reptiles till you were able to take care of them. I hope things start turning around for you soon.
Dale, I've got no smart words, just love and hope that this will turn around soon. If I could hug you right now I would x
I'm sorry to hear that, Dale. I could house four snakes, if you need me to. Actually, if you _really_ needed me to, I could move up the purchase of rack #4, which would add five more spaces. I already have the bins. Just say the word!
Dale, If I wasn't already loaded up to the max right now and plan to get a few more things this up coming year, I would bring in your collection in a heart beat, since we only live about 5-6 hours away.
Maybe you can still find someone locally who can help you though.
((((Dale))))) I'm so sorry. I really had no idea. I don't live all that far from you, and I already have three dogs, what's one more? I have lots of space, a fenced yard, and two children that adore dogs. I would be more than happy to house your baby for you. I'm sure you'd rather have him closer to home, and I hope you're able to have that option, but if not, please don't hesitate for a moment to let me know.

I also have room if you need a reptile sitter. I don't know all that you have, but the offer is there.

Please lean on your friends, both IRL and your cs.com family. That's why we're here.

Hugs, thoughts and prayers coming your way.
Dale I am so sorry to hear what your going through. Have you though of the option to let someone live at your place rent free in exchange for taking care of the reptiles & Bo while you see to your health. Being and animal lover to I know this is tearing you up. I hope it all works out for you & wish I lived closer because I would house sit for you. Take care Dale and take care of yourself. That is most important. I wish I could help you more, but I will be thinking of you.
Dale, I am so truly sorry to hear this is happening to you. I do hope you will be able to find someone to care for you pets. Just know that we are here for moral support if nothing else.
I can't imagine what you're going through. If I could offer anything other than a contribution to your CS.com support group, I would. Good luck to you Dale x
Dale, I know it's an extremely difficult situation, though I know I have no way of knowing exactly what you're feeling and going through. I really don't know what to say, but I want you to know that you are in my thoughts and I hope all turns out for the best... and if you ever need to talk, I'm more than willing to listen.

Hope things get worked out fast for you. I know exactly how you feel about having to be away from Bo. Get well soon!
Dale...don't what to say except for I'm sorry to read all of this and I echo the sentiments of those above. Hang in there and you better at least stay in touch here on the boards. We'll be thinking about you and hoping for the best.
Pack them up and I'll come fetch them! If you would like I have a neighbor, across the street, who fosters dogs. I could ask her about Bo. I'd take him myself but I'm allergic to everything, dogs included, sorry. I live in an Unincorporated area with very big lots, 2.5 acres+. There are plenty of dogs in the neighborhood to play with and Kathy is an excellent host mom. I would provide him with the best dog food on the market and lots of toys from the store. Anything to ease your worry. The timing stinks with breeding season coming up and all. But I'm close enough that I could still breed your guys and bring you the babies to see. I'll even sell whatever you choose not to keep at my table. I'm at the shows anyway. If you wanted to do Sewerfest I could bring them there for you to sell. The only thing you'll miss out on is cleaning poop! With a colony the size of mine, what is a few more animals? LOL Take care of yourself and in a few months we will all look back on this and laugh. I just know it!:wavey: