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Did I become afraid of my own pet?


New member
Hi everyone, you guys helped me out when I decided it was time to buy myself a Corn and now I need some more help : /

My Blizzard Corn was bought 8/2006, so he's almost 2 years old now... doesnt feel that long at all. He has only bit me once but due to recent events I'm worried he doesn't trust me anymore or maybe is starting to associate me with feeding.... Here goes......

After receiving my snake, my father soon got sick and the attention started diverting from my snake to my father, so I don't handle him too often but he won't bite, he'll come at my hand as if he's ready but once he smells it he just backs down. Now he's:

starting to follow my hands around the tank as if he wants to destroy it,

quickly reacting whenever I move,

As soon as I go to open the viv he starts going straight up to my hand, but I havent waited to see if he's gonna bite...

He just isn't acting the same as he did, the first few months was fine, he bit me the first time I took him from shipping container to viv but never again after that. At times he will go 2 weeks before eating, now I know they eat once a week but my fathers life comes first and with everything going on it's hard to keep focused long enough to remember that he exists. He's a very healthy, active, beautiful snake but I feel that maybe between the feeding habits and not handling him as much that he will never trust me again.

Is this permanent?

The last 3 times I fed him in his viv, in a cup, making sure he didn't drag the wet mouse on the substrate, he has never regurged, or anything negative but I don't want to continue this since the only reason why I'm doing this is due to my fear of him. I don't even fear a bite really, I know how tiny they are and basically I'm from Brooklyn, there are bigger things to be scared of if I wanted to be scared of something.

I'm still feeding him pinkies, but now seeing that he's 2 years old I'm sure I'll have to upgrade... opinions please?

I know that I've been doing things wrong, I researched for months and know a lot about corn snakes but it's you guys with all the experience that will be able to help me overcome this so I can start interacting with my snake without fear or hesitation. It bothers me because I am NOT scared of snakes, dogs, or any sort of pet. I just doubt myself sometimes and think of selling him, then I see his head pop out from under the substrate and he's just too damn handsome. : )

Thanks for all your help over the years!!!
You're seriously still feeding your snake pinkies, and it's 2 years old? (My mind is thinking, "am I falling for a troll here by responding to this?!") I'd imagine that your snake is seriously *hungry*! First, the food size should be 1-1.5x the size in diameter of the snake's midsection, also in diameter, so age is fairly irrelevant, but at 2 years old, almost all of my snakes are already on small adult or adult-sized mice...

What size tank do you have the snake in? He should be in 20-gallon.

What are the temperatures (cool-warm)? How are you measuring them?

And, if you've been researching for months & you already know a lot about corns, why do you persist in "doing things wrong" (your words, not mine)? My thought would be that since you are incredibly preoccupied with caring for your father -- which by no means is a crime -- then donate/give/sell the snake to someone who can properly care for it versus continuing to abuse it by neglecting it.
Okay, well some corns can just be total jerks lol. However, I really doubt that this will be a permanent situation. If you're nervous about what he is going to do I personally would go ahead and put a glove on before you reach in there. It helped me in my nervous phase :) And yes, you're right; you should almost definitely move up to bigger mice if he's 2 years old. Mine is 11 months old and he is on fuzzies. Good luck!
He is following your hand "to destroy it" because he is hungry. The above poster said it all. If you don't have time to take care of a pet, sell it.
I also agree with Cegninedorf though. If you can't keep up with your corn then I would consider selling him... OR you could always donate it to, I don't know, ME :)
A few thoughts...for what their worth.

First...good for you for asking the question.
Second...If he is 2 years old (any idea on weight) he can eat a lot bigger prey item than a pinkie. Search "Munson Plan" on this site for a good guide.

Third...If they have little interaction, yes they will be skittish...although he just sounds hungry.
{Our first corn was on too small a food item for a few months and he never bit but he certainly was not the laid back docile corn we were used to.}
Fourth...Get him eating correct size food for a couple months and give it a try again. If you need to, slip on a glove to boost your confidence.
Thin khow you would be if someone deliverd you a popsicle instead of a steak every night for dinner:awcrap:

What is his set up? Tank size temps etc?
Good luck with your dad...

If it gets to the point where you truly feel like you are just in over your head...find him a good home. Life situations change, our abilities change.
It is not fair to you or the snake to just keep him because you thonk you should get over it.
You might have a local Herpetological Society you can surrender him to as well if you think that is what is best for both of you down the road.
I don't know that the word "trust" exists for snakes. Remember that their brains are rather on the wee side. As C said, he's following your hands because he's seriously hungry if he's only getting pinkies. Also start taking him out of his viv to feed him and putting him in another container. I would also suggest putting the mouse in the container before you put him in there so there is no reason for him to associate your hand with food.

I understand that you are busy with your father, but when you bought this animal you took on the responsibility for it also. Snakes are as low maintenance as you can get in a pet. You have to feed it and feed it properly! Once a week for ten minutes is really not a big deal.
Good luck with your dad...

If it gets to the point where you truly feel like you are just in over your head...find him a good home. Life situations change, our abilities change.
It is not fair to you or the snake to just keep him because you thonk you should get over it.
You might have a local Herpetological Society you can surrender him to as well if you think that is what is best for both of you down the road.

Wait, are you talking about giving away the snake or his father?

But on a serious note, you really need to be more caring for your snake. You signed up for caring for him when you bought him, so you should either donate/sell him or become more responsible.

What's his weight?
Hey there...just wanted to apologize for restating everything that was already said...when I sat down to type no-one had replied yet...I need a typing class;)
First things first... I #1 did't realize that he was supposed to be eating 1.5x his diameter, if I did I would have been feeding him larger prey, to all those who don't understand my position then feel free to move on to ther threads... I came here FOR HELP, and from this point on will only address those who actually gave an effort to HELP me out without making me feel like a piece of sh!t, I think it's quite obvious that I didn't mean to harm my snake, if there is any harm.

I will definitely be moving his prey up, I had absolutely no idea, I guess I didn't notice time going by so fast, I had to take my father to radiation daily for a while, had a cousin die, uncle's possible death during this week, aunt's mental health rapidy degraded + breathing problems, my own financial problems, my mother's emphysema, just trust me when I say I didn't do this on purpose, and if I did I wouldn't want to so freely admit it on a snake forum. Normally I wouldn't release so much personal info but I feel the need to explain myself. On the plus side I have been feeding him about 4-5 pinkies. Thank you for the name of the feeding plan, I had a hard time finding one, now I have one and can't wait to feed him... whatever I do I figured I should move it up week by week? I dont wanna make him go from pinkies to a much larger size all in one shot, am I correct? I will post photo's of him soon to get your opinion and to show that he is still very healthy, even if I have been unintentionally under feeding him.

As far as his viv, he is extremely comfortable... I spared no expense when I bought it all, he has a 20 long tank, with an under tank heating pad hooked up to a thermostat to maintain the temp at about 82 degrees f. I have a digital thermometer taped to the bottom of the tank above the pad to visually ensure it's the right temp, his other side is unheated so he has his choice, with 4 hides and he also burrows under the substrate to hide, i forget the name but it's like tiny soft mulch and was recommended here. As far as his weight I do not know.
Thank you all, Cam5 especially.
Go ahead and move him up at his next feeding. Four or five of anything is not good for a snake. One bigger is item is best. If you are putting that much food in his stomach at one time he could easily handle a weaned mouse or even a small adult, depending on how big he is.

According to the Munson chart I will be getting some regular fuzzies, so should I get small fuzzies first, then regular, or is the size difference not that bad?

-When they're on single pinks (2-3g), I feed every 5-6 days. (Snake = 4-15g)
-Double pinks (3g x 2) every 5-6 days. (Snake = 16-23g)
-Small fuzzies (5-7g) every 6-7 days. (Snake = 24-30g)
-Regular fuzzies (7-9g) every 6-7 days (Snake = 30-50g)
-Hoppers (9-12g) every 6-7 days (Snake = 51-90g)
-Weaned (14-20g) every 7 days (Snake = 91-170g)
-Adult (20-30g) every 7-x days (Snake = 170+)
Ok, sorry to keep replying to my own thread but I cant find the edit button.

He weighs 45g and I will feed him a fuzzie, he may be able to handle a weaned or even adult but you guys can decide by the photo and his weight, and dont worry, the edges of the cup are covered. Thats his feeding tank. Photo was taken about 2 weeks ago, so I only tank fed him twice.
Pinkies are also not that full of nutrition, so even though you're giving him a lot (which you've already been told is bad) he hasn't been gaining a lot of weight.
With regular feeding, a 2 year old snake shouldn't be that small.

So slowly start bumping up his prey items according to that chart.
You posted the picture while I was posting.
Since I don't really have anything to measure him up against I can't tell how big he is, but it's my feeling that a 45g snake can't handle anything like most other 2 year old snakes.
So I would, like I said just start slowly with fuzzies. You'll know you should keep bumping (Slowly) up to the next feeding size when there's no lump after 24hrs.
Pinkies are also not that full of nutrition, so even though you're giving him a lot (which you've already been told is bad) he hasn't been gaining a lot of weight.
With regular feeding, a 2 year old snake shouldn't be that small.

So slowly start bumping up his prey items according to that chart.

I agree, based on his weight, I would definitely start out with the fuzzies. I was going on my 06s, several of which who aren't that big... but they are still twice the size of this one.
Just remember to do it by weight and/or size. Even though most snakes his age could be feeding on adult mice, he is certainly not ready to. And BTW, the people here on CS are only trying to do what's best for your snake. We're trying to help you help your snake, but our main concern is the animal here. Sometimes that means giving it away or selling it until you have the time to care for it. That doesn't mean that they want you to feel like crap.