Depends on who you ask! An "okeetee" is just a normal corn, so you could have a motley or stripe okeetee, though those pattern mutations often mute black and contrast. 8 years ago, to me an Okeetee was a snake caught on the Okeetee hunt club in coastal SC. I've visited there a few times and caught a few snakes there. They are really, really pretty corn snakes. I can post some pictures of wild caught locality animals, I have owned over a dozen WC's. I still have one old girl left from the hunt club floor. But they probably don't look like you expect them to.
I appreciate "okeetee phase" normals, which have high contrasts and bright colors and sharply defined black borders. I do wish another name had been adopted, I like Robbie's "Fauxatee" best, and I do own some non-locality ones as well, and that is what I will label them as when I make and sell some one of these days. Extreme just means turning up the color, hue and contrast!