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Difficulty heating new tank. How hot is too hot?


New member
I just moved my snake from the 10 gallon tank to a 20 gallon, along with the thermostat from the old cage. I got a new UTH for the new tank also. I am having difficulty getting the warm side of the cage hot enough though. There is a stone hide there that I was hoping would keep the heat in, but at the current setting on the thermostat of 100 degrees F, the hide fluctuates between 69-75. I can turn the UTH up even more, but more than 100 degrees makes me very nervous for direct contact. 69 is just way too low of a temp for him though. Does it make more sense to remove bedding?
What sort of thermometer are you using to measure the temp? Is it being used in the same position as the UTH probe?
Hi well did you get a pad big enough for the new 20gl tank? Also are you using a digital therm on the bottom inside of tank in center of heated area? What type bedding are you using and how thick is it thicker will help keep temp up? if you need to get your self another therm and double check to see your readings are correct. Also to you have ceiling fans in use were you keep your snake because I have noticed a change in temp when they are used hope this gives you some help
My UTH's get up to 110 degrees.
How are you measuring the temperature?

You need to use a probe thermometer under the substrate right above the heat pad.
Thanks for the replies all. I am using the Spyder Robotics Herpstat set at 100 (reading 00.0) with the probe taped down directly to the glass above the UTH. I have ~1.5" of aspen bedding with the thermometer resting on top of the bedding. I just got home from work and Kalessin was sticking his head out of the hide, obviously active, so it's not deathly cold, but I would still like it warmer. At the moment, the cold side of the tank is 63.7 and the warm side is 69.5. The setup is right in front of my window (living in MA), but that can't really easily be moved since I live in an apartment.
That sounds like it is warm enough, actually.
You don't want it higher than 85° below the substrate.