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do i help with skin that wont come off?


New member
ok so i woke up to find my baby finally shedding.. problem is a lil over half of it came off fine... the bottom half had frayed where the other left off... s/he is staying in the hide... but not working on the rest of the skin anymore... i used a shed aide just to moisted yesterday when i saw the blue was gone.. if it is not finished shedding tomorrow (i figure i will give it tonight to try again.. probably tired plus its more active in the later hours.. typical tho) should i try and help? i heard about soaking but everything i have read usually says to soak if the eye skin doesnt come off... i sprayed the shed aide again just to remoisten the skin... didnt know if i should just let nature go or help out... gonna leave it be for another day... tips or ideas.. would be great.. :shrugs:
When this happens I put some damp paper towels in a deli cup or tupperware and let the snake crawl around in there for a few hours. Usually by the time I take them out they have finished shedding with this method.
Shed aid stuff doesn't really help, I've tried it.
You can help the snake shed by letting it crawl through your hands, but don't 'peel' your snake, if it doesn't come off easily try again with the damp paper towels.
You can look at the shed that has already come off to see if the eye caps are there...they should be.

As for what is still left on the snake: Get a wash cloth and use water to make it damp. Let the snake glide through the wet towel and the shed will "attach" to the fibers of the washcloth and start to come off. If the shed breaks again, keep at it. You want to make sure the entire shed comes off, or you risk losing the tip of your snake's tail. If the tip of the tail shed doesn't come off, it will constrict the tail and it will turn black and fall off.

For future use, you will want to monitor and maintain a humidity level of 40-50%. This helps the sheds come off in one piece.

Good Luck!
I agree with shednmyskin! Whenever any of mine have a little trouble shedding i put them in a tupperware, with a few ventilation holes in the sides, filled with moist kitchen towel overnight in their viv. Every time by morning they have completed their shed successfully!
Good luck, hope it works for you.
I do the soak in the tupperware thing too, only I find that only 45 minutes to an hour is sufficient to rehydrate the skin. Then I let the snake crawl through wet towels. Works every time.

ok so i just put it in with the towels and it freaked... damn near jumped back into the viv! i made sure they were warm not cold... tried it again... same reaction... so i settled... i used my fingers to moisten the inside of the hides... and since s/he likes to spend so much time in there i placed a damp paper towel underneath... so in order to get into the hide it has to deal with the slightly damp towel... i will see how this goes... gonna check in on her a lil later... thanks for the ideas... and i see what u mean sheddin... the spray doesnt do anything... well thanks again and i will keep u updated... u guys have been so nice to me... i feel like a pest with all my questions...
take care all
amanda :wavey:
It may have been too warm. Remember: your body temp is 98 F, and a snake's warm side of the viv is 80-85 F. If it feels warm to you, it's probably too warm for the snake.

Try it again with a lukewarm/room temperature wet towel.
I check the water with the inside of my wrist, like you do a baby's bath water. It should feel neither warm nor cold. Some of mine freak out when I put them into the container, but I make them do it anyway. It's for their own good. Retained shed on a growing snake can be dangerous. The moist hide is also a good idea. For my ball pythons, I use damp sphagnum moss in their hides and they love it. You just have to watch the moss as it will grow little white fuzz if you leave it too long.
What size container do you use & how big is the snake going into the container?

My Maizie is 14" & she hasn't shed yet, but I've gone through it with my geckos...one gecko takes 2.5 mins, the other takes hours and I have to help her with her back feet. I just want to be ready as a snake is obviously not a gecko. :) And...with her eyes being red, will they just look cloudy-pink or ?

Thanks :)
It is definitely harder to tell at first with an amel or snow (it took me awhile!). I would advise to get a good look at her eyes when she is not in blue, and then you will notice a milky/cloudy difference when she is going to shed.

I have never personally used a container to help with sheds; I have just let the snake do the work and run through a towel. I do, however, use a humid hide when my humidity is not right, and that helps a great deal. Bad sheds are often caused by poor (too high or too low) humidity levels.

thanks again guys... the shed came off fine... i checked in on my baby early in the morning.. hahaha had to get up to go to the bathroom.. and the shed was all off... im amazed at how the coloring changed tho... cant wait to see if she turns all reddish tinted

as usual u save the day for amanda! :wavey: