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Do these look like crimson hatchlings?


New member
I'm answering an ad on my local Kijiji for corns for sale. There was no pics, so I asked for some and was directed to an album on Facebook.

Here is the ad:

7 baby corn snakes.
(1) Anery $60
(4) Crimson $50
(2) Normal $40
$280 for all ($60 off)

All have multiple hets. All have had their first meal and shed

Now, I am interested in a crimson, but I don't know too much about what they are supposed to look like as hatchlings (they were hatched March 25th). The pictures seem to show a bunch of anerys and none I would say are crimsons. I still have to ask what the parents were, because I'm wondering if this person just doesn't know what a crimson is?

Here are some of the pics, one that I guess is the whole clutch and another close up of a few of them:


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Oh, and I asked what they were het for and this was the reply: they are heat for red albino, motley, anery, frosted, aztec, and obviously crimson
Yikes...this guy doesn't sound like he knows what he's doing. Snakes cannot be het for frosted, aztec, or crimson. I wouldn't buy one, get one from someone reputable. They just look like normals to me, too much yellow to be miamis, let alone hypo miamis.
Hallie hit it on the nose. I do not see anything in that tub that could be called a miami, much less a crimson (hypo miami).
Here's the reply about what the parents were: The dad is a red albino motley, and the mom is a frosted crimson.
Yep, those hatchlings are not even Hypo. So, they aren't even "bad" Crimsons.
They look like normals, which means that the parents were most likely a Amel motley and a normal corn. The term frosted could mean one of two thing 1 - selective breeding for frosting of saddle colors and 2 - Denotes hybridization with gray rat snakes. A lot of normal corns have white frosting on the saddles. Here is a pic of my normal corn and my gray rat snake. You can see that the normal corn has a little "frosting".


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