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Do they look Okay?


New member
Hello everyone,

I have a question... Do these eggs look okay? They are about 55 days old now. I have had them in an incubater kept at 82 since about 1-2 hours after my female laid them. The color didn't start to show until they were about 2 weeks old. Have you seen this before? Do you all think they are okay?

Thank you,


  • eggs.JPG
    45.4 KB · Views: 180
The reason I ask is because I have never had a clutch turn this color. It just seems odd to me. Do you all just think that I am worring to much?
The eggs look good to me. I have never seen any that colored all the same like that. Hopefully they will hatch in the next week or two. The color almost looks like it is coming from within.
Yeah, I hope they start pipping soon. I candled them and they only seem "half full". Like they are not fully developed yet. Just small snakes about half the size of the eggs.
good or bad egg's...

i agree they look good,though...i've never seen blue on any of "my egg's" maybe some green,but thats from the moss.it also looks like theres alot of condensation...whats your humidity level at? try airing them out a little. also what were the egg's deposited on (news papper,moss,pappertowl...ect...) it could be ink (if you used news papper) they deffinitly dont look like dead egg's,just look like easter egg's instead of corn egg's.

i think you'll be fine though.

The blue is just the refection of the lid I think. They aren't blue in person. I had to chop that pic down so I can upload it here. The parts that look blue are actually white. It's the body of the eggs that are a greenish yellow.

He nesting box was filled with moist moss.

I keep them in a container with no holes. I just open the container every day to let fresh air in and the humidity is about 100%. No condensation on the lid though.

Thanks for replying everyone!
I had a few of my eggs turn yellow like that during incubation and I had nice size strong babies. I think that the eggs still look good. As far as candling to see how much of the egg they are taking up does not really give you a good estimation date of pipping. There has been times that I thought the egg was not looking so good so I candled it and saw the same thing and the next day they have pipped. I have also seen them jump when I put the flashlight near the egg and then I could tell that they took up more of the egg than I thought. I think most of what you are seeing is the yoke. Good luck hopefully they start pipping soon to put your mind at rest.
Well, I candled them again tonight and I could see some movement! I think that the discoloration made it had to see the babies before. Now, I guess they are bigger and I can make them out.

To be honest, I never candled other clutches because they were always white and I didn't worry like this. Don't get me wrong, I always wanted to candle them but I was always worried that I would hurt them. lol That's how I got into the method of a sealed container and opening it everyday for 30 seconds or so to let them breathe. This way I could look at them everyday up close. Everyday I call my friends and tell them how good they look and tell them how excited I am. I'm a dork like that. ;)
No you are not a dork. I do the same thing and I candle a lot. I have this little pen light like the Doctors (and I guess mechanics too cause I stole it from my husband) have that way I could hold it up to the egg with out disturbing the egg. However, the first time I did it I swore that that the babies would come out blind and be mean snakes because of me. Only one out of that clutch has a attitude. The is clutch was an accident clutch so they went to all family and friends. But I think that my be my husbands sister in laws fault she has 4 out of 6 snakes that are nasty. Not one nasty one in my goup of 10. lol
I guess I worried for no reason! They are all pipping today! Does anyone have any tricks to make their photos able to upload? I try to upload them but they say they are too big...
YAY!! Congrats!! You will have to go into the photo program on your computer and resize them, then it should let you upload as long as they have been resized small enough.
They have to be 800 x 600 or less, and less than 280 mb. If you don't have a way to resize them, there is an on-line resizer called picresize.com

Glad to hear they are pipping!!
Thanks everyone! I just go back from a little herping trip. Skunked again.... Well, we did see a ring neck that went into the weeds too fast to grab and snap a pic.

Anyways, I am going to try to resize the pics now. I also put a video on YT. Am I allowed to post a link to it on this forum?