I just took the rock out to get him to explore a bit. I didn't leave it off for long.
I'm pretty sure this snake has grown up his whole life with the wrong substrate being used, with only this rock, water dish and a couple random stems of fake grass just bunched up and tossed in and poop in various places, not to mention a heat pad running constantly with no apparent means to measure the temperature, in the end this wasn't working anyway so god only knows how long he went without a heat pad, or how hot it was when it did work.
When he is out from under his rock, he doesn't seem scared and does explore a bit more.
Anyway I could be way of base here, but to me it almost seems like hes a snake version of an "addict". Because h has his rock and that's all he's ever had, he has no reason to go anywhere else, even though he now has much more cover and a more appropriate habitat.
It has nothing to do with wanting to see the snake, but I honestly wonder if he's still alive half the time.
I just want to try and get him to actually come out a bit simply to get more comfortale with his surroundings.
I've left him entirely alone since this post, except for the occasional lifting of the rock to check temp under his rock. I'm still trying to perfect the settings on my dial.
and yes, back to the original post at hand, it was indeed very cute. I've never witnessed a snake yawn, or even knew that they did.