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Do You Have An Emergency Action Plan?


New member
Hello All,

I am sitting here in the dark of a hotel room (while my husband snores), absolutely ~wide~ awake, and have JUST now realized that I left home without even checking on my snakes.

You see, we got a phone call at 4:31 am Tuesday morning informing us that our oldest child had been in an accident. Thank God, He will be ok! Really scary stuff that has really left me re-reviewing the things that are important to me, that's all I can really say about it, at the moment.

In any case, I am WIRED. I ~seriously~ thought that today was still Tuesday when I started this thread, so please forgive me if I ramble, but this whole experience made me realize that I need to (at the very least) find someone who I can contact in the even to emergency to check on my snakes.

Luckily, I have a close friend who I have asked to check on my feeder mice (she won't go near the snakes though), and I changed out water bowls Monday.

I have to admit, I straight-up just forgot everything when my husband said Cory had been in an accident, so I might not have followed an Emergency Plan if I had had one, but it is nagging at me now.

Does anyone on the forum keep one? Have suggestions to add to one?

I'm sorry to hear that your son has been in accident, and very glad to hear that he will be fine! Given the circumstances I don't think anyone can blame you for forgetting to check on your snakes. In an ideal situation there would be provision in place for them, but I'm sure we all agree that when family needs you, that comes first!

Anyway, I can't say that I've given much thought to what would happen to my snakes if I had to head out suddenly for a few days, and this thread has got me thinking. Fortunately for me I live not only with my fiance but also two housemates who are happy to look after the snakes while I'm visiting family or whatever. I'm sure they'd step up if I had to go for a few days. If they happened to not be available, things would be more difficult... If absolutely necessary I could ask family and friends that live reasonably close to drop in on them but it would be a challenge getting keys to them and whatnot.
Hello All,

I am sitting here in the dark of a hotel room (while my husband snores), absolutely ~wide~ awake, and have JUST now realized that I left home without even checking on my snakes.

You see, we got a phone call at 4:31 am Tuesday morning informing us that our oldest child had been in an accident. Thank God, He will be ok! Really scary stuff that has really left me re-reviewing the things that are important to me, that's all I can really say about it, at the moment.

In any case, I am WIRED. I ~seriously~ thought that today was still Tuesday when I started this thread, so please forgive me if I ramble, but this whole experience made me realize that I need to (at the very least) find someone who I can contact in the even to emergency to check on my snakes.

Luckily, I have a close friend who I have asked to check on my feeder mice (she won't go near the snakes though), and I changed out water bowls Monday.

I have to admit, I straight-up just forgot everything when my husband said Cory had been in an accident, so I might not have followed an Emergency Plan if I had had one, but it is nagging at me now.

Does anyone on the forum keep one? Have suggestions to add to one?


Now that you bring it up (so glad your son is OK & your hubby snores next to you while you write this stuff, btw), my wife has been nagging me since 9/11 (I was on my way to a meeting that day only 2 short blocks from the WTC!) about WHEN we are going o have an emergency plan with a "GO" bag and a back-up plan for our two cats and my reptiles. However, since I've always been the type of person who lives by the day and literally by the seat-of-my-pants, I keep putting her off!

That was over 15 years ago and we still don't have an emergency plan nor a "GO" bag! But now that you mention it, and since I DO start to feel my bones creak when I wake up as I slowly face encroaching decrepitude, MAYBE, just maybe, I ought to think about putting a plan together now?

Thank you for being the sudden impetus behind the realization that I need to plan something ASAP!

In your situation, though I obviously don't know the details involved, maybe after things calm down in terms of this most recent incident or crisis, you can sit with your hubby and review the "what if's" and the "how to respond to the what if's" based upon your situation.

Ya know, back when I was in college, I was gonna write a paper on "Procrastination," but alas, I put it off! :eek1:

(Talk about putting things off, as a late bloomer, I didn't even start college till I was 32 years-old!!) :dunce:
Thanks Everyone, for the Good Wishes! I am all "out-of-whack" sleep wise but happy that things aren't worse!

The more I think about it, I believe I am going to contact a local pet-sitter, leave a key with them and keep their phone number on speed-dial. I am also going to set up a big, bucket waterer for my Natal Mice (bad things happen when ASFs run out of water...). I also think that I will be replacing my water bowls to square bowls that are deeper and fit in the vivs better, so if they poop in one, the other will still be good.

I wish you and your family all my best. I'm so glad your son will be okay. I doubt I would have done better than you in leaving my house to rush to the hospital.

I guess what we all need to do is have a person with a key that we can call on in emergencies to check in things including snakes. No plan other than that can account for the situation you had.
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Oh goodness, so glad your son is ok!! One major thing that kept me in the crappy situation I was in (up until recently) was..."what am I going to do with my snakes?"...thank the gods my good friend didn't even ask...she just told me that my snakes are staying with her, period. I would've been lost with out her as I wasn't going to leave a living being in that house when I left. So, currently she's taking care of my 6 sneks and I know they are in excellent hands.

Now that I will be moving to a completely different state, I am thinking about giving my best friend and brother keys to my new place (whenever I get one) and that way, depending on which end of the valley I end up in, I will have someone who can stop by and check on them.

Got me thinking though about putting together some sort of "care book" on the off chance that I end up somewhere unable to get to them for a while...a who gets what sort of thing.....
. . . .Got me thinking though about putting together some sort of "care book" on the off chance that I end up somewhere unable to get to them for a while...a who gets what sort of thing.....

Sounds like a great idea!! :idea:

BTW, isn't it GREAT to have friends like the one who was there for you when you needed her? Friends like that are like diamonds to be cherished! Also, make sure you NEVER lose them!!
BTW, isn't it GREAT to have friends like the one who was there for you when you needed her?

It absolutely is...now that I'll be moving a state away I won't get to see her nearly as often but I will be able to make the 8 hour or so trip to see her occasionally.
It absolutely is...now that I'll be moving a state away I won't get to see her nearly as often but I will be able to make the 8 hour or so trip to see her occasionally.

Sounds like flying would be quicker! :eek1: If it's an option!!! :crazy01: