here's what I'm planning to do...
I don't mind sharing my system - I'm brand new, and have not hatched a single reptile yet, so your mileage may varry
I actually have 2 systems.
One is my breeding management system, which I do on my computer with the "Genotype and Phenotype Calculator" in conjunction with eXcel. I map each of my snakes in a spreadsheet, then use than to input data in the GnP calc to decide who gets to date whom. In the spreadsheet, each male is a number, and each female a letter so I can easilly reference F1 traits to the parents in the blink of an eye (I also map the phenotypes of desirable matches sincee I plan to add them to the breeding ranks in time.)
The other system I keep on paper, in a file cabinet. I'll describe my "code" for IDing breeders last, because it may be too incoherent, while the other information might be more useful while you are still awake
The data sheets in the folders contain (in a perfect world) one or more 8x10 pictures of the animal, plus a data sheet with some rudimentary information, and plenty of room for notes, such as shed intervals, changes in habit or eating, etc. So anyway, the info I currently track on the data sheet is as follows:
livestock ID coded (explained in a moment)
birth or acquisition date
age at acquisition
additional notes
Now finally, as to the L.I.D. system, which I *think* will workout for me, but may in fact be incoherent gibberish to the sane goes like this, example:
Where, GU is the species (gekko ulikovskii) C is the year (if 2000 = A and 2001 = B, then C = 2002) A0 is the first number assigned in this year - this is a unique identifer among all the "GU" livestock in my collection. A1 would be the next hatchling, then A2, and so on.) AA0AA4 represents the hatchlings mother and father's unique ID's. Finally, M is for male.
If I haven't lost you, you can see that a simple cross-reference in the file cabinet takes me right to the folders with information on the parents, which in turn, ,cross-references their parents (assuming I know who they were
I'm also interested in what others do to track lineage and whatnot. I also thinmnk I ought to acquire a couple or few WC corns to "aeirate" my breeding stock, if you know what I mean, since I have little idea how closely related some of them may be.