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Does this sound like a regurgitation?


New member
I've had my snake since last October, and I've had pretty much no problems with him. He's around 4 feet long, not sure his age however. I've been feeding him small mice for about 2 months with no apparent problems, and I don't think he's every regurgitated before, and if he had I didn't notice.

Today, 3 days after I fed him, I went to clean what looked to be poop out of his cage. I'm not sure if it's poop anymore.

It's pretty much very down brown, with some white powdery stuff in certain areas, it was dry when I got to it. It looks like it could be the skin of the mouse I fed him. The whatever is has a pretty good smell on it, but it really smells like what I'd consider poo. He doesn't seem to be bothered at all and he's acting perfectly normal. What do you guys think?
Sounds like a dump to me... Regurge smells a lot...
What and see what some of the others think before you put this one to bed, but it does sound like a dump when you said about the smell.
Don't get me wrong, it smells pretty bad, and you could smell it while being within a foot, or a foot and a half if you have a good sense of smell. But I don't know what a regurgitation smells like, and it simply smells like what I would expect to be poo.
Sometimes a bowel movement may give off that "make ya wonder smell". A regurge gives off a more "What the h#ll is that??!!!:puke02: smell, that will chase you out of the room, esp if you are using a rack system and you slide open the tub.
I suspect you are dealing with a bowel movement and the "white" your seeing is the Urine. Just my opinion though
I'd bet $100 it's poo. The white stuff is the give-away. It's common for poo to have hair in it when you start feeding bigger mice. Snake poo smells musky, snakey. Regurges smell like a rotting dead body- like week-old road kill. If you aren't squeamish, you can pick apart the pile, or run it under water. If you find something like the tail, or anything skeletal, that it's most likely a regurge. I would only do that if I had serious doubts and there was no smell, though. (If you don't discover the regurge for weeks, it eventually loses the smell). Regurges also have a certain color- like brownish-pink. Or sometimes black if it's like a whole barely digested pink or fuzzy and it sits overnight and the next day while you are at work. Usually you can smell a regurge when you walk in the door.
I missed the part about legs, too. I'd like to see a picture.

Well, who knows why an adult would regurge. Is he going blue? Is his UTH working? If you decide it's a regurge, then yes, I'd do the whole protocol. I'd get the Nutribac from Kathy- http://www.cornutopia.com It is a probiotic, and replenishes the beneficial bacteria that have been lost, and makes it easier for the snake to digest. So wait ten days, start off with a prey item at least half the size of what you were feeding. I'd slit the back and sides of the mouse with a small scissors, and powder it with Nutribac. I continue with Nutribac for a year. I very, very gradually increase the size of the prey. I would continue to slit the prey until you are back up to the original size, and then decrease the number of slits till you are back down to none. I'd feed at a seven day interval, for an adult. Good luck.
I don't know, there is white powdery stuff around it in areas, it's mostly a big black mass, like pretty much normal poo. It doesn't smell like it's rotten or anything, and I don't know if it's legs for sure or not, but it's thin things with hair on them, that look sort of like legs. Sorry I'm not very good with descriptions. If you smell inside the cage you can smell it, but it's not so strong that you can smell it everywhere in my (small) room. It's nothing brown or pink, it's more black than anything, and the hairy things are the only things that look even close to a mouse. I'd take pictures, but I have no camera handy.
I've never seen a black regurge, except when it was a whole pink or fuzzy regurged immediately that went unnoticed. If you melt it in water, if it has not been digested, there will be a skeleton. Think of it as kind of like an owl pellet!
Okay I examined it further, really close, under water, the whole nine yards, there is plenty of hair around it, but I can find no bones whatsoever. I'm leaning towards poo, because it seems a regurge would be more apparent, am I right?
We've had furry stuff in dumps... Three days to digest isn't long so maybe it's just a quick digestion....
I'll stick with my fist guess, without pics to look properly and no smell so to speak, it sounds like a dump... Especially with the urates attached...
I missed the part about legs, too. I'd like to see a picture.

Well, who knows why an adult would regurge. Is he going blue? Is his UTH working? If you decide it's a regurge, then yes, I'd do the whole protocol. I'd get the Nutribac from Kathy- http://www.cornutopia.com It is a probiotic, and replenishes the beneficial bacteria that have been lost, and makes it easier for the snake to digest. So wait ten days, start off with a prey item at least half the size of what you were feeding. I'd slit the back and sides of the mouse with a small scissors, and powder it with Nutribac. I continue with Nutribac for a year. I very, very gradually increase the size of the prey. I would continue to slit the prey until you are back up to the original size, and then decrease the number of slits till you are back down to none. I'd feed at a seven day interval, for an adult. Good luck.

What I thought was legs is probably just more hair. I didn't check to see if it had skeletal features, but I melted the rest of it with water and there was no skeleton in any of it.
Sorry for the double post, but I'd like to add this.

The mass in the poop looked like other he has dropped before, very dark, pretty much black and with the powdery stuff. I've never heard of regurgitation with powder stuff, or I guess urates if that's what they are. You'd think that if it was a regurgitation, I'd be sure of it, and not have to guess. Like I said it looks nothing like a rat, but it does have hair particles in it, and smells rather strong. It's just the shear size that bothered me, and I suppose the size might have something to do with the smell. I'm going to continue feeding as normal, except I'm waiting ten days and feeding him a fuzzy with the slices on the back, and I'll see what happens. I've ruled out mouse legs, because they typically don't have hair on them and these were too long. He doesn't seem to be bothered, he want's out and played with. I just don't have enough evidence to call this a regurge, especially without an apparent skeleton.
It's good to be cautious and ask, especially if you haven't seen (Or smelled) a regurge...
Remember...... they will smell bad

I'd also note that now that I think about it the black mass was pretty much the same as other bowel movements he had that have been left to dry. It's been left there for around 2 days. He actually pooped a few minutes ago as well, wasn't as bad a smell, and it was much smaller than the other. You'd think if he regurgitated something that big he wouldn't have anything left in him. Anyways, the skeletal features wouldn't be that hard to find if you picked it apart under water? It's not overly possible I missed anything is it?

I would just hate to be wrong because of such careless mistakes. I'll let you guys be now. :p Thanks a lot for all the help.
Once you find your first real regurge you will never confuse it with poop again. :D

(It's that nasty.)