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Dominican red mountain boas!


That's for sale???
I've been wanting these gorgeous creatures for years but they've been too expensive for me to get. I finally got the opportunity to purchase a pair for a reasonable price.... To top it off, Tom Crutchfield threw in an extra female for me....these should be screamers as adults!





Can't wait to see how they grow up.....but now I'll need an extra cage....sigh....what to do, what to do!
I need to get them outdoors to get the true colors. Just been too cold to do that....and I wanted to make sure they were eating well before stressing them out.....soon though
He is. I've known him for some time and he's known how much I've wanted a pair...or even one for that matter.
Nice Meg!

Are they wild caught or captive bred
If they are wild caught have them treated for parasites!
Oh no, these are cbb animals.....Probably one of several litters Tom has produced over the years....