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Don't want to whine BUT PLEASE Bloody egg


~~~~~~~:~ Newbies Rule?
Spencer's eggs are all pipping. One is dripping blood. There are two side cuts on the top and a V cut that doesn't meet at the top of the V near the side.

Should I open it up? How would I do it? What tools do you use? Could it just be the tooth egg broke? The egg is in a clump with other eggs.
Any advise would help. Thanks and sorry to whine Sam ~~~~~:~
It's normal for a little blood to leak out sometimes. I'd just leave the egg alone and let the baby come out on its own.
OH THank You~~~~~~~:~

That's all I needed to hear. Three more babes this morning. Lots of noses. Thanks Sam ~~~~~~~~~:~
Done ~~~~~~~:~

16 babes two amels and 14 normals, a few starting to shed already, Spencer has gone away for the weekend so he missed most of the stress, but he be here soon with his added responsibility sitting on his bed. Sam ~~~~~~~~~:~