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Drake's progression thread!! Amel

Matheus Garrido

New member
Hey, everybody!

It's been a while since I don't post anything, but I still reading a lot here and all over the internet about snakes, I became a Corn Snake lover (and kinda nerd lol)...

So, I moved my little guy to his new 23gl terrarium, and he looks really happy with a lot of space to exercises and new things to explore... I know it's not looking fine yet (it needs green, lots of green!) and there's this ugly squeeze and plastic bowl... but I'll making changes day after day.


Here's a pic taken in his first week with me (about 2 months ago).


And here's one taken last sunday, when I took him out for his first sunny walk.


*here you imagine A Thousand Miles playing on the background*


These pics would be way better if my cell could put anything in focus :/


I love his pattern


And here is his cage
If u were you I would load his tank up with some snake bedding.(aspen wood only, and dust free, zoo med makes it) pack the aspen down so he can make tunnels and borough through the substrate. Corn snakes are ground dwellers and love the chance to tunnel and explore.

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I'd use aspen if I could, but I just can't find it here where I live :/
I'll think about some bedding that allows to bury itself. Thanks!
I believe Walmart sells aspen, otherwise you can also use CareFresh. The colorful cottony stuff that they make for critter cages (comes in a green brick/bag/packaging and has all sorts of cool colors).
He's in Brazil, so I'm not sure if he as access to Walmart or if a Walmart there would carry aspen.

I use eco-earth, which looks similar to what you have and my snake burrows in it just fine. Every few days, use the sticks to agitate the substrate which will add lots of air pockets that will encourage even more burrowing.

Like you said, the cage needs more greens, but you've done a great job setting up so far!
That's what I get for not paying attention to the little side thing that gives more information such as location.
We DO have Walmarts, a lot of them, come on... but nothing like what you guys have there. The only thing that I can find at the animals session is dog and cat food, toys etc...

Thank you all for your opinion and advices. I'll follow what Irish... (you have such a long name and my cell don't let me paste it properly... you know that's you lol) said and let's see what happens.

Drake and I appreciate the accomplishments! Bye, have a beautiful day, whenever you read it!
A little update.
My dad just bought a kitchen scale, and Drake is on 23g! I'll move him to small fuzzies in his next feeding (he was dealing good with fuzzies before but I kept him on pinkies, because it looked like fuzzies demand a lot of him to be swallow and digest, and I don't wanted to force the little guy).

He just shed, also. I measured the skin and he's on 51cm (I'm at my phone now and it's hard to convert it into, forgive me).

Later, after my karate (HIIIIIA) classes, I'll post some pics cuz I know how much you guys like it lol.
C ya :)
That's okay, most of us in the U.S. can do both since a cm is 2.54 in. The other way I do it is there are approx 30 cm to the ft. So the shed was about 1 ft 8 in or about 20 in more or less. By the way, but have no idea why we weigh our snakes here in grams but measure their length in inches. That makes no sense at all. Most of our rulers, scales, etc here do both.

Congrats on your growing snake!
Thank you! Honestly I can't get why you guys use this system... Centimeters seems to be so much easier... but it should be easy to you, who always used it... idk. I still prefer mine meters lol
Thank you! Honestly I can't get why you guys use this system... Centimeters seems to be so much easier... but it should be easy to you, who always used it... idk. I still prefer mine meters lol

There was a push in the 1970s to switch over to the metric system (or more properly the Si). I was and still am a supporter. However, our legislators did not have the will to do it by law like they did in Canada. So very gradually more things are done in both systems or even commonly referred to in metric units. For example all of our soft drinks come in 2 liter bottles. It is not unusual for there to be 5k runs. I could give more examples, but you get the idea. More and more we use metric units in daily life. They were taught in school even in my day and the kids now are taught them even more. So we were the first county with decimal coinage and will probably be the last country to formally make the switch to the metric system. (Sorry if I've gone too far OT, but we do weigh our snakes in grams and measure them in inches :headbang:)

DollysMom is correct. The USA uses both types of measurement. Go figure. Our high schools changed their Track events to metric in 1980. Now instead of a mile run they compete in the 1600 meter event. One lap isn't 440 yards anymore, it's 400 meters! But we still drive 55 'miles' per hour and fill our gas tanks with gallons. When we cook we measure with ounces but weigh our corn snakes with grams. (sigh ...):rolleyes: