Yeah, some of the drones seem to be pretty capable bucking the wind and using GPS coordinates to just stay locked in place. I tend to be pretty conservative about such things, preferring to not see my drone get hit with a particularly strong gust of wind, putting it into the tree branches.
I would like to get another drone sometime, but I'm holding out for 4K/60fps. The video is just much better with that spec where panning is concerned compared to 4K/30fps. But it seems that the drone companies are trying to tiptoe around this, I guess because it would impact their sales of the more professional (meaning $$) drones if they make the specs of their consumer and prosumer drones too capable. 4K/30fps works just fine when the drone is mostly stationary, but 60fps makes a world of difference when the drone is clipping along at a good pace.
But I am satisfied with the one I have in the meantime. Not that I fly it all that often. Maybe if I got out more and had more interesting places to take video of it would be a different story. But realistically speaking, Florida really doesn't have all that much in the way of spectacular vertical scenery.