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Early Sign of Respiratory Infection?


New member
Hi All!
I received a new snake today! She is an Albino Black Rat Snake (adult). This is the first Black Rat Snake I have owned, so I am not familiar with their ideosynchrocies. Due to her being shipped, I only briefly held her, but while I was holding her I couldn't help but notice that every 5 breaths or so she made a wet-sniffling noise.
Could that be an early sign of RI? None of my snakes have ever had RI, so I lack first hand knowledge of the disease.
Hopefully, I am mistaken/over-reacting. Any information from anyone who has had first hand knowledge of this disease would be greatly appreciated!
It's really not a disease, but more of a condition. Like a bad upper chest and head cold in people. Sometimes a bad cold will go away on its own, and sometimes it can turn into pneumonia or bronchitis and then you need some antibiotics and or steroids to help out.

Well it's pretty much the same for snakes.

Symptoms can include, coughing, sneezing, gurgling or bubbling from the nose or mouth, wheezing while breathing...... (similar to people.)

I had a boa with symptoms many years ago and I took her to the vet. The vet administered a shot, told me to boost the temp a couple of degrees and keep an eye on her in case she got worse. About several days later she was fine.
My peach lav boy had a slight whistle when he arrived, and it ended up being due to an approaching shed along with getting tossed about a bit in shipping. My red factor girl on the other hand had a distinctive wheeze and crackle when she breathed, I suspect partly brought on by the lack of heat pack. We are still giving her injections for her RI. If all you hear is a slight whistle or pop coming from the nose, it could just be from a bit of roughing up during transport, but if the sound comes from the neck or "chest" definitely head to the vet.
Thanks! I appreciate y'all responding! I am probably over reacting, but listening to it, it sounded a little like my son sounded when he was congested as a baby and it worried me.

It might be worth mentioning, that the breeder I purchased her form had JUST woken her up from brumation only a couple of days before he shipped her. As far as I can tell, she hasn't been fed since being warmed up and he didn't use a heat pack when he shipped her.

I have increased her hot spot to 88 degrees and will be keeping a close eye on her. Outwardly, she looks fit and healthy. Quite muscular, thick (but not fat!) and all round a sturdy looking snake.

I really appreciate the feedback! It makes me feel somewhat better that I can ask others who are more experienced than myself.

Thanks! I appreciate y'all responding! I am probably over reacting, but listening to it, it sounded a little like my son sounded when he was congested as a baby and it worried me.

It might be worth mentioning, that the breeder I purchased her form had JUST woken her up from brumation only a couple of days before he shipped her. As far as I can tell, she hasn't been fed since being warmed up and he didn't use a heat pack when he shipped her.

I have increased her hot spot to 88 degrees and will be keeping a close eye on her. Outwardly, she looks fit and healthy. Quite muscular, thick (but not fat!) and all round a sturdy looking snake.

I really appreciate the feedback! It makes me feel somewhat better that I can ask others who are more experienced than myself.


Exactly the same situation for my girl, just out of brumation + no heat pack. I just finished a round of Enrofloxacin and she's still a little wheezy, but definitely on the mend. Even at her worst she never seemed very weak. I would schedule a vet appointment asap. It can't hurt to be careful.
Here's a good article to read....
Check out the section on "Winter Respiratory Infections in Snakes"

Here is how I check for RTI's . You are looking for bubbles and/or mucus. If there is any then a trip to the Vet is recommended. If after checking a few times and you don't see anything then raise the overall temps a few degrees in the Viv and check daily. I've cured many RTI's over the years by bumping up the temps if they're MINOR. No mucus or bubbles.
Also this is a good way to check the overall health of the snake by looking at the gum color. It should by pinkish or darker. White gums could indicate anemia which is usually caused by mites. Just added info :)

Hold the snake's head with thumb underneath and gently move your thumb away from the side you are looking at. Takes a bit of practice but it is a good tool to have especially when your at Expo's and you want to get a idea of the health of a snake you might be considering purchasing.

Thank you Karma for being a good model :)


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Thanks for the link, it was helpful. I called the breeder I purchased her from and askied specifically if the noise she is making is just specific to her or if they thought I needed to go on and take her to the vet. The breeder said that she was actually one of his wife's snakes and he would have her call me tomorrow when she returnes from a trip.

I don't have a problem taking her to the vet, and if she had any mucus or was breathing open-mouthed, I would have took her already, but we only have one exotics vet here and she is SO expensive that I would rather wait and speak to the breeder tomorrow before I take her in...

i really appreciate all the posts and help! I will keep y'all updated!

Sorry I didn't update sooner, but I took her to the vet Monday, and when the vet took her out of the RUB you could see little bubbles coming out of her nose. So, yes she has RI.

There is a whole thread I started on the BOI if you want the gory details regarding BHB (the producers who I purchased her from). I posted it as an Information Thread, because I really didn't think writing a Bad Guy Thread would be appropriate over a RI, HOWEVER, at this time and due to the way they have reacted to the thread, I wish I had posted it as a Bad Guy after all...

I never asked for or expected anything from BHB except for them to return my calls and messages for information purposes. Unfortunately, they have never gotten back to me directly, only having third parties who are not knowledgable about the snake contact me to inform me that they don't "owe me" anything...

In anycase, I can't afford to spend $650 right now to have the snake hospitalized and her lung cleaned out, so I chose the more common option of giving her injectable antibiotics every 3 days for a month. I sincerely hope that will be enough, and I will keep y'all updated.

As far as BHB goes? I have learned my lesson. If a company is too busy to even talk to a customer about their animals, then they are too busy to sell to me. I will never purchase from them again.
