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Eating Backwards?


Corn addict
Dont baby corns generally go for the head of a pinkie when eating? I'm kinda new at this but i was amazed when my baby sunglow decided to eat dinner tail end first. is this normal? Also ive had my jungle corn for well over 2 weeks and she was supposed to eat the day i got her. well i waited a few days to let her settle into her new home and tried to feed her a pinkie. well she didn't eat and ive tried about 5 or 6 times since to get her to eat and still nothing. should i be worried?
Its normal for them to eat their food anyway it works. Most of mine will smell both ends and then go for the head. But sometimes hatchlings don't know any better and are too caught up in the moment of hunger and just bite whichever end is closest. Most of the time, no problems from a breech feeding.

As far as jungle corns, I don't have one. But I'd venture out on a limb and say that with kingsnake blood in them, I'd be surprised if they turned down a meal at all. I'd say just keep being patient. Don't try to force the issue every other day, that could lead to stress being associated with the feeding and food. Just offer every 5-7 days like normal until it eats. Snakes in good physical shape can go a month or more before it becomes worrysome.

Good luck with getting it to eat. =)
Aight cool thanks i just thought that it was kinda funny cause he/she poked around it a couple times and just *Boom* half of it was in its mouth. and thanks about the jungle i was just gettin worried cause i dont want my new babies to go hungry
my jungle corn still wont eat and its been almost 3 weeks ive tried everthing from raising the temp to lowerin the temp to dippin the fuzzie in chicken broth what should i do next? should i be worried?
have you tried braining? and if that doesnt work you can try to scent them with anole, or i read somewhere that you can put them in with some dirty rodent bedding. keep us updated! John
why not try and keep your snake and the pinkie in the dark alone for a day ?
it worked with my ball python maybe it will work with yours