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eating problem


crazy for corns
my yearling corn seems to have decided that mice arent food, but that everything else is.

it started about 5 weeks ago, when i had a friend over for the night, and he was interested in seeing my snake eat. since it was feeding day anyways, i let him watch when i fed the snake.

This was also his first feeding with a new prey size. my supplier was out of the mice i normally get him, and instead got him the closest thing i could find to that size, i think they were rat hoppers. They were only a little larger than what he normally eats, and i thought they would be fine.

anyways, back to the feeding. i warmed up the rats (i did two, in case he was hungry and wanted both), and went to feed him the first one. he smelled it, found the head, and started swallowing it, just like normal. he had it about half way down when he either decided it was too big, or we scared him, and he spat it back out.

i took that rat out, and had my friend leave the room so he wouldnt be as overwelmed, and offered him the second rat about 5 minutes later. This time, he smelled the rat, and then proceeded to avoid it. not just not eat it, or ignore it, but he wouldnt go near it, like he does his poop.

i took that rat out after several minutes, put him back in his tank, and let him be. i chalked that one up to new prey size and too much comotion between me and my friend.

the next week and a half, i was out of town and didnt get to feed him.

when i did get back, once again warmed the rat, and offered it to him, same as normal. it was the same size rat as the week and a half before, but it was all i had. he smelled it, and once again avoided it like his poop.

last week, i went and bought a smaller size because i thought that might have been the problem. the only size they had were rat pinks, so thats what i got.

i warmed the rat, etc. etc. like normal. i put the rat in with him, and he didnt seem to notice it. i then reached in to get the rat, and he was very annoyed. he got up into his striking position, and did his little rattle snake impretion with his tail. i grabbed the rat, and dangled it by the tail so that it would be moving and he'd notice it. i "walked" the mouse around the feeding tank (an old 10 gallon tank) and he went up and smelled it, and then proceeded to avoide it, like his poop. i tried braining it, as i had read on here that that might help. he still wasnt interested. i went to move the tank to a dark room that no one goes into so he wouldnt be disturbed, and as soon as i touched the side of the glass he struck the glass where my hand was. i tried again, and again he struck my hand. i tried a third time, and got the same result. i ended up moving the feeding tank to a corner, putting in a water bowl, leaving the rat, putting in two hides, turned the lights out and left him there for the night hoping he would eat it when he had some privacy.

when i woke up in the morning, he still hadnt eaten it. i went to take the rat out before it started to smell, and as soon as my hand touched the lid to unlock it, he struck.

i had to get to work, and didnt have time built into my morning routine to mess with him, so i wrapped my hand in an old t shirt so if he struck he would get any flesh, reached in, grabbed the snake, and put him back in his normal tank. he didnt not strike while my hand was wrapped with the t shirt.

I've tried everything i can think of. if anyone here can help, i would really appreciate it!
i forgot to put in that for the most recent feeding (on sunday night), he was in blue. he has always been a great eater, and has never refused a meal (even in blue), so i didnt think it would be a problem. i plan on trying again as soon as he sheds, hoping that was the problem.
going into shed I think may be the problem. When a snake goes into shed that old skin is like wearing clothes that are too tight. Basically doing anything is uncomfortable.
That first rat pup was prolly just a bit too big for him/her to get down comfortably with that shed about to come on ( kinda like us trying to sit down and eat a thanksgiving day feast with a tightly strapped girdle on! lol!!)
I suspect that if you wait til after it sheds, it will feed for you, if not,.. could just be your snake doesn't like rats! ... stranger things have happened!
Good Luck and keep us posted.
he's eaten rats before, he's eaten the same size rat pinks that i offered him sunday night. he has never refused a meal from shedding before, so it scared me a little that he would pick now to skip it.

i will of course offer him another rat pink as soon as he sheds. i dont really know where to go from there.

at what point should i start being concerned that he isnt getting enough nutrition to function? it seems logical that if he were to really need food he would probably go into a sleeplike state to slow his matabolism, but thats just what i think they would do. maybe someone has experience with this (althought hopefully not) and can tell me when he is in danger of starving himself to death?
I would wait until he is finishing shed or even the day after his shed. I have had good eater do similar things.... They can go several weeks(varies with age and snake) I had one go almost 2 months before eating again.
is it normal for them to get so cranky when they dont eat for this long? he was just striking at EVERYTHING, except of course the rat...

at what point should i really start worrying about his health, at what point will he start to starve himself to death?
Its hard to say how long before he will "starve". Usually 4 weeks is when I start to get really concerned about starving (not to say I dont worry after 1 week of not eating) Did you change anything in his enclosure? Striking sounds to me like he is stressed about something. Are you using anything in the room different like air freshener, D.O., hand sanitizer that smells? A lot of factors we take for granted can cause them to strike. Check his heat source is it running properly? Has anything changed for him. Even changing the enclosure around sometimes can cause stress ,mostly younger snakes. Ask yourself some of these type questions....

Try a cut open pinkie...the blood might trigger him to eat...good luck

Also try to feed him in a seperate container which puts him real close to the food. Dont give him to much room. Put the container in his enclosure. This has worked for me on non-feeders before
thanks for the tips. i did move him to a 20 gal tank a few weeks before he stopped eating, maybe that was it? like i said, i will try again as soon as he sheds.

last night he shed. he was going all over his cage trying to find a way out, something he really hasnt done in weeks.

i waited about an hour after the shed and tried to feed him the rat pink. he wouldnt take it, even after braining and being left alone in a closed shoebox (so it was dark) for half an hour.

now i'm really worried. i'm going to try again in 2 or 3 days. hopefully he'll take it again...
update update!

he ate last night, took two hopper mice. apparently he just doesnt like rats....he took the mouse as soon as i had it over the box. he hit it before i had even gotten it in his feed box, and had it halfway swallowed before it even hit the ground. he looked at me like "about time you gave me some food!"

anyways, i'm just really happy he ate. thanks for the tips everyone!