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Ebates - as good as free money

Rich Z

Staff member
Insiders Club
Not sure how many of you already know about this Ebates thing, but Connie's sister turned us on to it a while back, and so far it's been working out better than I had expected. If you make purchases on the internet anyway, some sites offer a cash back deal by going through Ebates that is transparent to you. You make the same purchase you were going to make anyway, and you just accumulate a small percentage back for each purchase that winds up with you getting a check in the mail for pretty much doing nothing differently than you have been doing before making online purchases.

Now not all sites participate, of course, and percentages you get back will vary from one site to the next. But heck, even 1 percent is still one percent back in your pocket. Plus Ebates runs specials that are worth keeping an eye out. For instance, purchases at Walmart.com were earning 10% back a while ago.

You won't get rich doing this, but heck, a penny saved is a penny earned in my book.

So if you are interested, give it a whirl -> https://www.ebates.com/r/ZUCHOW10?eeid=28187

If you sign up through the link above, I get a bonus applied to my account with them if you make a purchase using Ebates, and you also get some money applied to your account as well, right off the bat.

I don't normally make infomercials like this here, but heck, this has worked out pretty well, and thought maybe some of you all would be interested in cashing in on a pretty decent program. Not much you can say bad about getting free money. If there are strings attached, so far I haven't gotten snarled up on any of them.

And YES this is really me. My account has not been taken over by spammers!
Lol, Rich. I get something like this through my cash back credit card though I forget to use it sometimes. You are right, it's pretty much like free money though on the cc at least it's considered a discount on your purchase so not subject to income taxes!

And yes I did a double take. You know I report spam to you when I see it and I was thinking, "oh no, they hit cornsnakes again!"
Yeah, I get money back on my credit card purchases too, so this sort of thing just seems to be like icing on the cake. As I mentioned, so far I haven't seen any drawbacks to it except for maybe the little nag-o-gram that shows up in my browser to alert me that Ebates are available on the site I am viewing.

I've been using it for a while now, and in my opinion, this is a no-brainer. A relatively painless way to save a few pennies. So honestly, why not?
I guess not too many of you all are interested in this, but honestly, it's not a scam as far as I can tell. If you shop on the internet anyway, it seems that most places I usually buy from honor this Ebates stuff. So yeah, one percent isn't much, but if you are going to buy stuff anyway, then why not get a little bit of money back?

Quite honestly, I greatly prefer shopping online over trekking all over town in person looking for something that I may or may not find. And even if they may have it locally, I can still pay for it online, pick it up at the local store, and still get some Ebates money back on it.

What's not to like about that? Who doesn't like getting a discount when they can?

Seriously, I hate to sound like I am hawking this as a high pressure salesman, but damn, this just seems like a real good deal to me. I don't even care whether you use the link I provided or not. Who knows? If you earn enough money this way, maybe those that haven't yet can afford to spread around their new found wealth to get a paid membership on this site with the money they saved. :D

Both Connie and myself are using it, and it really is a no brainer, in my opinion.


  • ebates_10112017_01.jpg
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Heads up!

500 stores are offering 12% cash back through Ebates!

https://www.ebates.com/flash-sale? ...o_12cashback_start_9pm&utm_content=12-12-2017

I think that link will work, but no guarantees. I just cut and pasted from my own browser will looking through the list to see if any of the stores interest me. YMMV

BTW, someone pointed out to me that the URL I had originally provided in the above post somehow causes subsequent referrals to Ebates to point to my account rather than yours. :eek: Sorry about that. I had no idea it would do that. In any event, I have removed those text strings from the URL line. Hopefully I will remember this the next time I post an Ebates URL here.