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Eco Earth Question


New member
I tried to find this using the advanced search, but it didn't like word "eco" so I didn't get very far, lol.

Anyway, does anyone know who uses this substrate the best way to dry it out? I'm using the compressed version, and I soaked a whole brick because I wasn't sure how much I would need. Now the stuff is still fairly damp and I've got it sitting outside in the sun to try and dry it somewhat.

Is this the best way to try and dry this stuff out? I'm sure it wouldn't be harmful to the snakes being slightly damp, but I was just trying to dry it out as best I could.

Thanks for any advice! :)
I would have to imagine sun drying would be the easiest way. "But" you may be able to bake it in your oven if you need it faster. I have heard the higher temps would kill any type of bacteria it may have.
Damp in a tank isn't great unless you need to temporarily boost humidity levels to help a problem shed. I think drying it before use is a good idea. The oven would certainly be faster if you could do a bit at a time.
Yes I had thought about baking it in the oven. Sun drying is going to take forever at this rate, even though it's incredibly hot outside!

I've baked pieces of wood before, but they had to be in there for about an hour, so how long would you recommend doing this for if I did just about a half an inch deep pan at a time?
Try thirty minutes at 350 and see how you make out. After you get the first pan done you'll have a good idea. the idea would be not to let it smolder or catch on fire just bake.
Ok thanks! I started baking just some at a time and it seems to be working well. Now I just have to wait for my snakes to get here! ^^