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Egg Bound Since April!!


So Many Morphs...
Before everyone flames me for it taking so long for my snake to make it to the vet, please read the following story carefully. I have chosen to post it so that others can hopefully learn from Gaea and I's experience and also because I am looking for some support and advice.

Gaea is an Amel Motley that I purchased from a pet store (Nov 2009 approx age 1 yr 10 mths, 120 gms). The pet store told me after I paid for her, that they knew for sure she was a female as she had been co-habbed and laid 5 slugs in the spring of 2009 at the age of approx. 1yr 4 mths!

My intentions were to get her back to proper health, muscle tone and weight for breeding by spring 2011 or later if need be.

Fast forward to April 2010. She has had 6 mths with regular exercise (great muscle tone) regular feeds(7-12 days), perfect temps( controlled UTH), monitored by a digital thermometer, warm hide, cool hide and fresh water every 4 day or sooner if needed. Gained weight to 244gms on April 6, 2010.

She has always been one that you need tongs to feed her with or you may loose a finger! Come the next feed on the 13th of April she looked fat, very fat throughout approx. 1/2 of her body. I could see the skin between her scales and when I picked her up to feed her I ran her through my fingers to see if I could feel eggs as I had read on here and I could feel several bumps as though she had large marbles in her, or a string of pearls. Although I have not bred any of my snakes yet, I have been researching like crazy so that I would be ready when the time comes. I knew that there was a possibility of retained sperm and a possibility that she could just make unfertile eggs(slugs) because she had made eggs the year before. I also knew that I should keep feeding her until she went off of food on her own. So I gave her a meal which she showed no interest in for atleast 10-15 min (I finally laid the mouse in her tub and left it with her) but she did finally eat it.

I consulted many of the great people on here and was told it could be one of 3 things:
-retained sperm and she was gravid
-she laid last year and was now going to lay every year regardless of being mated or not
-she might just be ovulating

I was advised:
-give her a lay box
-feed her smaller meals until she stops eating
-she should lay about 10+ days after she sheds
-she could reabsorb the eggs
-hold her up by her neck area and tail area and let her belly sag, could I see bumps? which I was able to see bumps very clearly

I kept offering smaller meals, which she became less and less enthused about but did eat. She was given a shed box, with forest moss, which I had problems with. The forest moss (only thing I could get in my city) kept molding with in 24-48hrs. Eventually, I changed the lay box medium to moist aspen but that was not much better. So I consulted the forum again and was advised that if I did not want the eggs, then I did not have to worry about a lay box as she would just lay them in the aspen in her viv.

She shed on May 14 but needed help with it as she would not come out of the warm side hide and was dry and wrinkly. After a good soak she peeled it off with no problem. So then I was expecting eggs in the next couple of weeks, even though she had not stopped eating.

By the beginning of June there was no eggs and she looked smaller, so I assumed she must have reabsorbed them. She still had not resumed her usual feeding response and I kept her meals smaller and meals spaced out closer to an average of 10 days a part.

Mid June it started to dawn on me that although she is still pooping it is not as much as she usually does. I took her out of her viv and gave her an 85 degree swim for about 15 min, she was very displeased. This only gained a small bit of urates, no poop and no eggs. Once I took her out of the tub and calmed her down I made a point of feeling her belly really firmly and I discovered that I could still feel eggs, smaller than before but definitely still there!!

At this point I got her out of her viv every second day for exercise and gave her swims much to her dismay, all without any success. By the 20th of June she was roaming her viv a lot but still no eggs. I called the herp vet at the Western College for Veterinary Medicine, spoke with a herp vet, made an appointment which had to be canceled as my kitchen facet ruptured and had to be replaced and with me as the only income earner until my husbands rig is back on line, it had to be the facet first.

I re-booked the appointment for July 7th, this past Wed. The vet did an x-ray and confirmed that there is definitely eggs in her. Their initial plan was to give Oxytocine(?) and see if that would help her to pass the eggs on her own. Then if that did not work they would then operate. Thanks to wonderful forums like this one I was able to take to them another less invasive alternative as a step before surgery, that DR. Walton at the Dewdney Animal Hospital in BC has successfully done with egg bound corns. It involves two anesthetics, forceps for dilating the cloaca, using a syringe to aspirate the stuck egg (if possible) and if not then cut the stuck egg while in the cloaca and remove it, then insert an amount of lubricant into the snake to allow for manual movement and removal of the remaining eggs. If any one wants, I could copy and paste his write up or link to it.

So my baby has been in the hospital since Wed July 7, 2010. The vet has tried Dr. Walton's method but were unsuccessful, she has also been given the Oxytocine and at this point has not laid any eggs so if by tomorrow the eggs are still in her she goes under the knife.

I am so worried about her, I love her so much and do not want to loose her. I can not help but feel that some how I have done something wrong and have caused her life to be in danger. The vet has told me that their definition of slugs is an egg that either was not viable(infertile) or that became non viable (was fertile and something caused the egg to die). They have also told me that there really is not set time frame to say is to long to have waited as there are a variety of things that can cause problems with eggs and only if and when they have to open her up, can they say 100% for sure that she is egg bound and that some other thing has not caused this problem.

I have tried to hold off posting this as it is very long winded and I was not sure who would want to hear it or how much I would get slammed for it but I am really worried for her and the earliest she can come home will not be until Sat.

I really wish I had a more solid answer for why this happened and how long is to long to have waited. She never did stop eating and she started to get smaller and I for a little while I was unsure if I could feel eggs, I definitely could not see them anymore, so I thought she was reabsorbing them.

I have even asked the vet if they end up having to do surgery could they just remove her uterus as I would be afraid of this happening again, as I know that many snakes will lay eggs year after year regardless of being bred or not. I just would be crushed if she went through this again. Not to mention I don't have another $850-$920 to shell out again if it could be prevented. I was told that they would not remove her uterus unless it happened a second time, then they would go ahead but not based on a first time problem as many times the snake can make a full recovery and even go on to breed if given approx. 2 yrs to heal and regain growth/health/muscle tone.

Any thoughts, ideas or advice?? Being that I plan to breed in the future when my girls are ready, I would like to make sure this does not happen again. I am so worried for my snake and I have always done everything possible to ensure they are cared for in the best possible way.

Here's two pic's of her. Thanks for listening.


To be honest, if she's kept eating and behaving normally otherwise, then waiting was the best policy and I wouldn't criticise that course of action. It doesn't sound like she's taken any harm from what you're describing. When mine have been eggbound, they've always been obviously distressed - losing muscle tone and energy very rapidly. Doesn't sound like that was the case with your lass.

Unfortunately, eggbinding is one of those things that can "just happen" and there are no guarantees that it won't happen again. However, not every female is a habitual binder and many can breed normally after a bad season.

Good luck with the surgery.
Thank you so much for your response bitsy I have been waiting for someone who has experience with breeding and binding to chime in with their knowledge. I do not mean to doubt our herp vet at the Vet College, I mean people come from all over Canada and the US (maybe farther) to train there, but as it is basically my only option and I have no experience with breeding or binding, I really wanted some opinions from those of you who do have experience!!

I really care about all of my animals and it just has me worried sick for her. Thank you again bitsy for your knowledge and kind words.
Tisha, I can't tell you what you should have done as I am NOT an expert. I can tell you you did what I would have done -- consulted experts here, followed their advice & tried to take her to the vet as soon as it became apparent that was needed, only to be defeated by circumstances beyond your control, then persisted & took her to the vet as soon as you could.

I can't find anything to fault here. (((Tisha & Gaea)))
You shouldn't doubt yourself. You've made good decisions. I haven't always run my girls into the vet first thing. This year was an exception. I've had other girls who passed slugs months later, one even almost a year later. If they are eating and active and there is no sign of distress, I let them be for the most part. I hope you let us know that your girl is ok after all this.
Thanks Betsy, Wax32 and dionythicus.... really means a lot to me. Esp. because initially my husbands response was very unsupportive and rude, all he was concerned about was the money I was spending on one of my snakes and 'was I going to be spending this kind of money on them every time something went wrong with one of them?":cry:

He then thought about what he said and apologized but the damage was already done and I just really needed the support of other herp lovers who would understand why I was so upset and worried and why, to me the money was the last of my concerns.

So your kind words really really mean a lot to me. Thank you so much.

I will let you all know how it turns out.
Tisha, your husband has NO IDEA how much money I have spent on sick cats over the years. Keep in mind this is over a 20 year period, but it's probably $6000 or more! So taking a snake to the vet makes PERFECT sense to me. Once again, good luck & hugs.
My husband said that to me once when I rushed a doxie in for a severe uterine infection. Ok what he really said was that it would have been cheaper to put her down, she was 10 after all. In all honesty I slapped him and slept on the couch for almost a month. I was disgusted. That was the second year of our marriage, now he lets me take in unaltered pets, get them vetted and find them homes. How is that for a turn around? I am sure your husband was just worried about bills and other things but he did realize his mistake. You are doing your best and to your hubby, yer dern tootin she'll do it again! LOL
@ Kathy - to his defence he was worried about the bills as I had to borrow the money from my 18 yr old, from his truck repair fund, and yes he realized his mistake and has realized I will do it again if necessary and has said he will support my hobby fully no matter the cost from now on.

@Nanci and the others .. no news yet and I will be calling the vets soon as I am getting anxious.
Yeah, it can be tough having pets and a budget lol. I have dedicated my ebay account to mostly fundraising for rescues and my own pets. Hubby really loves that I do that. We now have almost $40 credit on my vet account (they let us prepay) and have only been at it for about 11 days! Running out of things to sell though so will be hitting the local auction house soon. I can get box lots of odds and ends for like $1. It can be frustrating when folks don't understand. I think you and I are very lucky to have guys that can see where we are coming from after some reflection.

Hugs being sent and lots of healing good vibes to your snake.
I would just call. They're probably waiting till the end of the day to make their phone calls, but you could just ask whoever answers Is she all right???
Go ahead and call. I've worked in a few vet clinics and believe me, it's 100% normal to call before they call you and check up on your pet. Nobody will mind. :)
Well just got off of the phone with the vet. Gaea is out of surgery, has woken up from the anesthetic and is moving around. Here is what they found, which I find somewhat confusing.

She had to have 2 small incisions.

The first incision was made at the position of the uterus where they were able to see "eggs" on the x-ray. When they got inside of her they found that there were no properly formed eggs with shells but instead just "strange looking tissue formations".

They then made the second incision just above the egg at the vent, this one they had managed to aspirate 3cc of yolk from prior to trying oxytocine (which was unsuccessful). This time they found a very odd looking mishapen slug, right in her pelvis blocking it. It was removed.

Now forgive me if it sounds like the vet does not explain things well, or that I did not ask very good questions but the Western College of Veterinary Medicine is a teaching hospital and the interns who work with the vets are the ones who are made to speak with the clients and so that was the best explanation I was able to get out of the intern.

She went on to explain that the vet's thought is that the "eggs" were slugs and the one stuck in the pelvis caused her to be unable to lay them so her body started to reabsorb them (except the one in the pelvis). This would explain why I noticed her getting smaller looking and could not feel the eggs as easily and thought she was fine.

The intern also explained that just to be safe (even though they feel my husbandry is great, know that she is fed whole prey items of sub-adult & adult size and know she has had one supplementation of Calium with Vit D in the past 6 mths) they are going to check her Calcium levels as well as other vitamin and electrolytes.

She is also being put on a very common broad spectrum antibiotic (have heard of it before can never remember it, it starts with a "C") every 3 days by injections to prevent infection.

They will keep her and watch her until Sunday at 11:00am (unless heaven forbid, she takes a downward turn) and then I will go pick her up and learn how to give her the injections.

So now I will go and completely scrub her viv, remove everything except her hides, give her a small water bowl she can not get into, and line it with paper towel. The only thing that I disagree with the herp vets at the colllege is that they always suggest overhead heat (lamps) for any kind of herp and seem to think it provides the correct heat for all herps and that it is easier to control the temp with.

The herp vet that the intern works under will not be back in until Monday so on Sunday I will ask the intern to have the actual vet give me a call so I can get better details, if anyone here has questions they feel I should ask let me know before Monday.

I will update again on Sunday after her and I get home but it will not be until late afternoon as the vet is in another city (3 hr round trip).
She went on to explain that the vet's thought is that the "eggs" were slugs and the one stuck in the pelvis caused her to be unable to lay them so her body started to reabsorb them (except the one in the pelvis). This would explain why I noticed her getting smaller looking and could not feel the eggs as easily and thought she was fine.

She is also being put on a very common broad spectrum antibiotic (have heard of it before can never remember it, it starts with a "C") every 3 days by injections to prevent infection.

That makes perfect sense! The antibiotic might be ciprofloxacin. All good news so far, I am so glad! Keep us updated as new information arrives, OK? ((Tishe & Gaea)))
@ Betsy yes that is the drug, I know it when I hear it or see it.

@ Nanci.... does something seem "not quite right to you"? If you have questions/concerns please feel free to mention them and I will pass them on. Part of the reason I have posted is because of people like you on here who have a wealth of actual experience with corns and these things, which most herp vets only have limited book knowledge on and if I mis-interperted the first part of you response forgive me.

Thanks both of you for your well wishes and the intern just called and would like me to come in by 9:00am as she has to go in for rounds at that time and would have to make a special trip just to meet me at 11:00am, so we will be back sooner.
No- I think that is a plausible explanation. I have never thought about the process of slugs being reabsorbed. I would imagine, though, not being shelled, they would just turn into gooey forms that got sucked back into the walls of the uterus, or, I don't know, dissolved? All the care instructions sound perfect.
You're such a great SnakieMomma! Glad to hear the good news & she recovers well & this NeverEVER happens again! Phew!