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Egg looks like its gonna bust


New member
One of my girls laid 9 eggs, all look good, except one which has this yellowy spot on it. THe egg itself looked good but the yellowy spot was soft, like a slug would be and since I put it in the incubator has swelled out. I was concerned the spot would crack and leak out, is there anyway of preventing this? And what caused it? Is it just a lack of calcium in that one spot?
I've heard you can put a patch on it just by sticking a small piece of paper towel to it, but I'd think that it would be better to lose it early rather than once it really starts growing.
Thanks! So you think I should just cut it lose? And sorry, I didn't realize I posted this in the wrong place. It was supposed to be in breeding/egg care!
I had eggs like that hatching without doing anything to try to 'save' it. I've read that indeed it's a spot with lack of calcium.
Not at all. If it was me, I'd patch it with just a dab of paper towel and see what happens. I am just saying it's probably easier to lose a new egg, if it isn't going to make it, rather than one with a developing embryo.