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embroidery snake


secretly normal
Not a comic, I know. But I still figured I'd post this.


Long story; a new member of the embroidery board is sad that a DMC colour she needs for her chart is banned in her country (toxic dye). Being the good Canadian I am, I tell her I'd look for some for her. Oddly enough, I find it. So when I ask for her address, she goes on to tell me she loves the pictures of my snakes and use to have a corn, and is thinking of getting another. We bond over our love of hypo lavs.

I had to draw her a little picture to put in the mail too. It's so weird that every embroidery-internet-friend I make is also a reptile lover.

And here is a picture of Moss being awkward just because. He's 2.5 years old, 2.7 pounds, and 55 inches. He never looks comfortable, I'm sure his pictures are a big part of the reason people seem to think snakes have no bones.
