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I came home with a bag full of dinner for my little ones and as I was passing out goodies, I noticed a (serpenco) amber scooting across the front of my cage rack........I was sooooo lucky I happened to see it. looks like the cage didn't get shut all the way and latched like usual...(my fault :rolleyes: ) any how he's back in his cage and VERY SECURE!!!!!!
I had a certain HUGE creamsicle once, and he was ALWAYS getting out during breeding season. He never went very far (usually just outside the closest female's cage), but once he was found by my oldest daughter in the tub when she was about to take a shower.

She screamed . . .a LOT!!!


Just a word to the wise, come breeding season

That reminds me of a story
The first (and hopefully only) time my baby amel escaped, I didn't think he could've gotten out of my room so I basically sealed off my room from the rest of my house.
One night I was ready to go to sleep when I heard my dad go into the bathroom to take a shower. The next thing I heard was, "OH MY GOD!!! What the bleep bleep bleep...!"
I hadn't told anyone that the snake had gotten out in the hopes that I could find him really quickly and not get a scolding from my mom.
Hehe...If it had been a bigger snake I'm sure my dad would've had his first heart attack then and there.
latest escape

I had a little motley get loose 10 days ago. Set traps, etc. to no avail. My girlfriend called me from her apartment last night (30 miles away!) and it was in a box of kitchenware she had moved from my house! He was dehydrated and cooled, and still refuses food, but I think he'll come around.
Hehe.. I don't think there's anyone here who has had snakes for any length of time that hasn't had atleast one escape. I think about half of all my escapees announce their escape by saying hi whilest crawling around...

That having been said, I currently discovered that one of my females I'd intended to breed this year had escaped a cage I was sure I'd latched... Fortunately I have a second female I can use to produce offspring of similar genetics... it's still frustrating though, as I'd hoped to have a little bit of genetic diversity by using two different females...

With any luck I'll find her... even if I don't get to breed her this year. (And wouldn't you know it? It had to be the one I bought from Rich this summer, specifically for the breeding project...)

tried tape and bottle traps?

I don't want to offend you if you already know these tricks, but you can usually put masking tape (sticky side up and scotched taped to the floor) and catch even pretty big colubrids when they cross. And if they do get unstuck, you know where they were recently. Also cut the top off of a gatorade bottle, fill it with shavings from your dirtiest mouse cage, invert the top, and stick it in a corner. That works often too. Most importantly, put water dishes out to keep her hydrated. Good luck.
Re: tried tape and bottle traps?

elrojo said:
you can usually put masking tape (sticky side up and scotched taped to the floor) and catch even pretty big colubrids when they cross.

Only problem with that is that it can seriously stress your snake out if you don't find it quick enough to release it from the tape. I've heard some pretty nasty stories about people who have used similar traps, most result with the snake dying due ti stress or seriously damaging itself. :(
Hey if I were you Kat, what I would do is let a male out and follow him around, if anyone can find a female it would be him! I hope you find her.

Dartguy, maybe the Ambers are grouping together on an evil plot, my female Amber escaped last night. "You'll get out, We'll all get out,....it'll be anarchy" much to my relief I found her within about 2 mins. She was cruising the rack shelf above her inspecting her upstairs neighbors, looking out at me like "What???" It was feeding day, I must some how bumped her cage open doing the mousey head count.
First, Let me preface this by saying,

I never make mistakes. I thought I did, once, but I was mistaken.

One day, while I was in the process of cleaning out the snake boxes, I noticed that one of my snakes was missing. Like anyone, I panicked. I started looking all over the room for the missing snake. After about 30-minutes, I gave up and decided I was going to set the usual traps that night and, in the morning, find the lost one. I went back to cleaning boxes.

I pulled out the box right above the box of the missing snake and, low and behold, there was the snake! Inside the box of the snake above it! I thought to myself, since I never make mistakes, "How in the hell did you get out of your box and into the one above?" Then, it dawned on me. I must have done it. Impossible, I know, but that's the only solution I can imagine. He had to have been in with that other snake for at least two days.

What about me doin' that? :confused: :D
Heh... actually I'm using the flour trick, but so far she must not have done much travelling (either that, or she snuck in the storage space when I had the door open and is now inside the walls of my house :p). Why is it always the most expensive snakes that escape around breeding time? :p

I think I may put my mouse 'colony' down in the snake area, to see if I can't lure her out.

And while I've tried the bottle snake-trap before, I've yet to actually catch a snake in one.

Well how about this one....
With my first ever cornsnake...I went to feed him one day and he was no where to be seen in his cage. I methodically went through all the aspen and called my husband home from work. (Keep in mind this was my first and only Baby!) We started moving furniture and looking everywhere. After hours of looking my husband asked "are you sure he is not in the cage". I was so irritated and just rolled my eyes and said some unappropriate remark. He checked the cage anyway. I had one of those fish tank castles in his tank with him and it turns out there is a little hole on the bottom, so when I put it on the aspen instead of flat on the tank floor, he crawled up and was happily curled inside. There was no way we could get him out, so we just had to wait until he came out on his own. Ah, one of those few moments that your signifigant other will relish for life.