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escaped thru .25" hole. how to build a trap anyone?

I can't believe this. I got 3 hatchlings last week and today one escaped. I had her in a sterilite plastic tub with a slate tile weight (7 lbs) on the lid. I put holes in the tub with a wood burner and I was sure the holes were smaller than her head. Not so. She escaped and I've been looking everywhere.

I feel so stupid. I was positive she was safe and in an escape proof tub.

I live in a 2 storey house and she was on the top floor. Not sure if she'll go downstairs but I imagine so.

What does this inverted opening snake trap thingy look like? I want to build one and try to bait her with a pinkie.

I can't beleive how sad and stupid this makes me feel. I hope she isn't scared.
Oh don't feel stupid. it's not like you left the tub open. You tried your best to make it escape proof. I hope you find your hatchling. best wishes :)
Good luck finding her. Dont feel stupid as its a simple and honest mistake that was made. Im afraid I dont know about a snake trap though :-/ Good Luck
snake trap

Well, we have all had it happen before. The way I make a trap is to take a plastic coke bottle-since this is a hatchling you might want to use a smaller one- and cut off the top just above the label. I then turn the top around and staple or tape it in to the bottom portion. It looks like funnel in a glass. I bait with a pinkey AND water. It is my opinion that corns are attracted to water; also you might want to brain the pinkey. Put out several of these and check every morning. lol, David.
Don't feel stupid! When I had my first and so far only escape...it was I who left the weights for the lid completely off! I got her back though...the next morning.

When I made traps I just took a bunch of 2L pop bottles. I cut around the top part and taped it inside out, then put a little pinky inside.

Here, I made you a picture. Cheer up and I hope your little one comes back.

Okeetee_Corn_Snakes said:
Don't feel stupid!

Here, I made you a picture. Cheer up and I hope your little one comes back.

OMG! That picture is adorable! It made me smile : ) Thanks. I'll make some of those and put them around.

Thanks everyone for your good wishes.
FYI: Ventilation holes, especially for hatchlings, shouldn't exceed 1/8" in diameter. Weights should never be relied on to secure an enclosure. Sturdy clips are recommended. Good luck finding the snake.
Okeetee_Corn_Snakes said:
Don't feel stupid! When I had my first and so far only escape...it was I who left the weights for the lid completely off! I got her back though...the next morning.

When I made traps I just took a bunch of 2L pop bottles. I cut around the top part and taped it inside out, then put a little pinky inside.

Here, I made you a picture. Cheer up and I hope your little one comes back.


You put a moose in the coke bottle?! Hehe :grin01:
You shouldn't use ventilation holes larger than 1/8" for corns...FWIW.

Anyhow...finding the snake:

Tape trap- "3M" makes a painter's tape that is blue(green works, too). This is a low tack, low adhesive tape used for masking around moldings or creating various taped patterns...much like masking a vehicle for painting. Place long strips of this tape on the floor, against the walls, all over your house, sticky side up. Your snake will travel along the wall, and eventually get stuck on the tape and be unable to move. Use baby oil or mineral oil(NOT mineral spirits), to remove the tape and any excess adhesive.

Crinkle trap-lay crinkled strips of paper across doorways and along the edges of the wall on the floor. As your snake crawls over these crinkled pieces of paper, it *should* make a noise which will help you locate the snake.

Flour tracks-sprinkling flour on the floor along the walls and across doorways will show you where your snake has been and (hopefully) where he is going.

I prefer the tape trap...
tyflier said:
You shouldn't use ventilation holes larger than 1/8" for corns...FWIW.

Anyhow...finding the snake:

Tape trap- "3M" makes a painter's tape that is blue(green works, too). This is a low tack, low adhesive tape used for masking around moldings or creating various taped patterns...much like masking a vehicle for painting. Place long strips of this tape on the floor, against the walls, all over your house, sticky side up. Your snake will travel along the wall, and eventually get stuck on the tape and be unable to move. Use baby oil or mineral oil(NOT mineral spirits), to remove the tape and any excess adhesive.

Crinkle trap-.

Flour tracks-.

I prefer the tape trap...

Thanks for the tape trap idea. I'll do that.

I didn't know 1/8 " was the standard as I had read "no larger than your snakes head" in several places. Anyway, I totally learned my lesson.
Hi all: No I have not found her. She is 4 months old and I am worried she has nothing to eat. I have laid out pinkies for her but she has not eaten anything. I placed tape and 2 traps around but nothing so far. I will keep trying.

Gosh this is an aweful feeling.
I'll bet she hasn't gone too far. Look around the room for what you think would be a likely source of warmth where she could hide and rest. Computers, TV's etc that create warmth as they function. And then carefully tear that place apart.
Also if you have a temp gun, you can zap areas of the room (along walls and in hidey spots as has been mentioned) and look for the temperature you know they like.
Good Luck!
tracy0416 said:
I can't believe this. I got 3 hatchlings last week and today one escaped. I had her in a sterilite plastic tub with a slate tile weight (7 lbs) on the lid. I put holes in the tub with a wood burner and I was sure the holes were smaller than her head. Not so. She escaped and I've been looking everywhere.
I found my late 06 Miami, Togo, trying the same maneuver this evening. He'd managed to squeeze about a third of his body out and then couldn't move: not forward, not back. I have to cut away the plastic until I was close enough to the hole to break it open and free him. He struck and bit me about a dozen times while I was trying to free him, ungrateful brat. He seems none the worse for wear, but was too stressed to eat. I'll try feeding him again this weekend, after he's done pouting over his botched escape plan.

Good luck finding your fugitive :)
jaxom1957 said:
I found my late 06 Miami, Togo, trying the same maneuver this evening. He'd managed to squeeze about a third of his body out and then couldn't move: not forward, not back. I'll try feeding him again this weekend, after he's done pouting over his botched escape plan.

Good luck finding your fugitive :)

Wow. That's determination! My little gal seems to have been broken from the same mold. She wanted out from day one. My other 2 new ones are fairly content where they are. Just sleeping and wandering a bit, but not Escapee.

How big were your holes and how big is your Togo.

The name is appropraite huh. She wanted "To Go" something fierce!
tom e said:
I'll bet she hasn't gone too far. Look around the room for what you think would be a likely source of warmth where she could hide and rest. Computers, TV's etc that create warmth as they function. And then carefully tear that place apart.
Also if you have a temp gun, you can zap areas of the room (along walls and in hidey spots as has been mentioned) and look for the temperature you know they like.
Good Luck!

You know what I need? Night Vision Googles so I can see her heat signature!
I am carefully taking the place apart as you suggest. I'm worried she's gonna get sucked up by the vaccuum so my floors are getting rather dusty...
tracy0416 said:
How big were your holes and how big is your Togo?
Most of my holes are about an eighth of an inch, but this one hole was elongated, about an eighth by a quarter, where the soldering iron slipped. Togo is between sixteen and eighteen inches long, and about a half inch around at his largest midsection. He would never have fit the rest of his body through the hole; I was surprised he fit his head. He had to turn his head sideways to even get started through the hold.