so after feeling desperate and now getting worried, last night i tried to feed my snow corn a live pinky after trying everything with f/t: in a seperate container, overnight, brained, head cut off, i left it inside the tank...and nothing has worked. well after finding a pet store that sold live pinkies last night, i got one and left my snake and the pinky in a deli dish in a dark warm spot for 2 hours. after nothing happened, i put the snake back in the tank and put the pinky in the tank as well, on top of the lid of the deli cup so it wouldn't get lost in the bedding. and this morning...its still there. at this point, i've had my snake 3 weeks this weekend and it hasn't even in 4 weeks. i'm kind of running out of ideas on what to do and this new snake is stressing me out more then being enjoyable. any idea on what my next bet should be? The guy i spoke to at the shop said if this didn't work, that I could bring it in next thursday and he will try to force feed it for me. if I go that route, what kinds of complications should i expect?