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even live didn't work


New member
so after feeling desperate and now getting worried, last night i tried to feed my snow corn a live pinky after trying everything with f/t: in a seperate container, overnight, brained, head cut off, i left it inside the tank...and nothing has worked. well after finding a pet store that sold live pinkies last night, i got one and left my snake and the pinky in a deli dish in a dark warm spot for 2 hours. after nothing happened, i put the snake back in the tank and put the pinky in the tank as well, on top of the lid of the deli cup so it wouldn't get lost in the bedding. and this morning...its still there. at this point, i've had my snake 3 weeks this weekend and it hasn't even in 4 weeks. i'm kind of running out of ideas on what to do and this new snake is stressing me out more then being enjoyable. any idea on what my next bet should be? The guy i spoke to at the shop said if this didn't work, that I could bring it in next thursday and he will try to force feed it for me. if I go that route, what kinds of complications should i expect? :( :( :( :( :(
so after feeling desperate and now getting worried, last night i tried to feed my snow corn a live pinky after trying everything with f/t: in a seperate container, overnight, brained, head cut off, i left it inside the tank...and nothing has worked. well after finding a pet store that sold live pinkies last night, i got one and left my snake and the pinky in a deli dish in a dark warm spot for 2 hours. after nothing happened, i put the snake back in the tank and put the pinky in the tank as well, on top of the lid of the deli cup so it wouldn't get lost in the bedding. and this morning...its still there. at this point, i've had my snake 3 weeks this weekend and it hasn't even in 4 weeks. i'm kind of running out of ideas on what to do and this new snake is stressing me out more then being enjoyable. any idea on what my next bet should be? The guy i spoke to at the shop said if this didn't work, that I could bring it in next thursday and he will try to force feed it for me. if I go that route, what kinds of complications should i expect? :( :( :( :( :(
This is easy to say, but hard to do..........relax. 4 weeks without feeding will not cause lasting harm to a corn, even a hatchling, but repeated and varied attempts at feeding too often can actually prevent the snake from feeding.
Firstly, check and double check all aspects of the snake's environment. The temperature is most often a problem, is yours regulated and in the correct range? Is the snake in a much bigger viv than it was at the store, is there much traffic/noise/disturbance past its tank now? Have you been handling it much?
Do you have any other snakes? (and frozen adult mice to feed them?) It's super easy to force feed a section of tail from an adult mouse, especially if you aren't experienced in FFing. You'd cut off a section about two inches long and start it down the baby's throat pointy end first. This is really easy if you can get the baby to strike and just pop the tail into the mouth. Otherwise you have to gently open the mouth. You can use anything small and blunt like a credit card corner or a wooden kabob skewer with the sharp point cut off. If you just press at the side of the mouth, the snake will open up.

I realize it's hard to coordinate all this with a tiny baby if you haven't done it before. If the person at the shop is experienced, then I wouldn't worry about him FFing, but if he's not, it might be better for you to just try and be gentle.

Second choice would be a cut off pink head, thawed. Much easier to get down than a whole pink.

I might also try, again, the tiniest live pink you can find and leave it in the deli overnight with the snake. If the snake is in its viv, often it will just go off and leave and forget about the pink.
I agree with Nanci but also I would have left it in the deli with the pinkie over night not just a couple hours. In thier regular tank they can get away from it and forget it is there and not eat. Best of luck on it.
hey everyone...thank you for all the suggestions...nanci...the guy at the pet store said that he's FF a million times and seemed really knowledgeable and comfortable with helping me with that...he was responsible for all the snakes at the shop and gave me tons of info about them. after reading another post on here that someone's snake finally ate after 3 months...i feel really hopeful! and much less worried. i guess after 3 months i'll freak out again hahaha
We've got a little guy that we've had for a few weeks. He wants nothing to do with almost anything- live, frozen, brained, slit, head cut off, tease fed, left overnight. But we left him with a live ASF pinky overnight and it was gone in the morning. He hasn't eaten anything since then (2 attempts with mice, one frozen one live), but when our ASF's have babies again he'll be offered another.
We've got a little guy that we've had for a few weeks. He wants nothing to do with almost anything- live, frozen, brained, slit, head cut off, tease fed, left overnight. But we left him with a live ASF pinky overnight and it was gone in the morning. He hasn't eaten anything since then (2 attempts with mice, one frozen one live), but when our ASF's have babies again he'll be offered another.

Have you tried scenting with ASF, or dirty ASF bedding?
When I got my snow corn she would not eat for almost 4 weeks but when I took the fuzzie and role it in tuna juice she took it right away. So if you have not done that then give it a try the smell from the tuna will alot of times get the snake to start eating Good luck to ya. :)
Have you tried scenting with ASF, or dirty ASF bedding?

We tried scenting a f/t with asf. Refused it. He just refused another live mouse pink lastnight, but that may have been because he was having shedding problems and had to be soaked and helped to shed before being offered food. Gonna try him again with live scented mouse pink, got a few females looking like they'll have babies soon!
Shedding problesm are an indication somethin gis not well, usually with the environment... maybe you'd better put him in a small tub with partially slightly damp bedding and put him somewhere dark and very quiet for a week before trying again. I know it is hard and you need will power, I promiss you but attempting to feed too often casues too much stress.

Did your snake eat before you bought him?