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Example of What's Wrong with America


He will join us or die
This is an example of what's wrong with America. Poor thing, "she's struggling" and of course she "kind of feels it's ok". What a piece of trash. This is an example of what I have always thought, Some people will always be a burden on society. You've got to have some sort of moral sense and sensibility and obviously she doesn't.

Second guy, poor fella, they took half of his 2 million winning, of course he deserves it due to the way they collected taxes on him. Poor thing. Oh and if you look, both of these are in Michigan. Maybe it's time to change the laws a litte there. There are plenty of hard working people up there that I am sure would love to hang on to that tax going towards feeding these two useless wastes of flesh.

Ok, before all the flamers start there "but some people really need help" posts, keep in mind the context I just made my comments. I feel strongly that the "John Doe" who has worked hard for the last 20 years but was recently laid off and is using gov't. help to feed his family, will take a job when one is available. However, the high school drop out that has never worked a full week will always take the hand out as long as the hand IS out to them. You tell them they have $200 a month for the next three years, guess what they are going ot expect for the next three years?

Great post! The welfare system is so screwed up right now. That's what we really need to reform!
Yep, ya gotta love the Enchanted Mitten! This disgusts me to no end, but one of the stories I read indicated that legislation was in the works that would require the lottery commission to report winners' names to social services, so these losers can be kicked off the dole.

We need welfare reform badly here; us hard-working folks are really tired of paying the way for people who don't want to work.

if they take away govt assistance after winning the lottery, who would risk playing/winning the lottery with that kind of penalty?
they better leave the law the same or the lottery will lose revenue, and the jackpots will plummet
Its so sad that a program designed to help someone in dire need, becomes what many feel is an entitlement program.:madeuce:
After working at a grocery store for 3 years, I strongly believe that the food stamp program is becoming a joke. I can see how it's useful for some, but yet it's SOOO abused by others (really... you NEED a cart full of pop, candy, chips, t-bones, and crab legs??? You're welcome...) there definitely needs to be stricter regs on it
I live in NM where we have a large population of immigrants (legal and illegal) from mexico. It is amazing how many people you see driving brand new cadilacs and wearing name brand high dollar clothes that are in the welfare office getting food stamps and money. My son gets medicaid for his disabilities and I have to go in every 6 months and turn in paperwork for him. It is amazing how many get SSI as well. I got there once a year to turn in paperwork for my son!
I chatted with a woman in the checkout lane a few weeks ago. She seemed really nice as did her four kids. She, in conversation, offered up the fact she used the food stamp credit card thing and how it was so much nicer than having to use the old coupon style. She bought approx $350 worth of groceries most of which seemed reasonable. The shocking part was when she seemed proud to tell me her new available balance (which she pointed out on the receipt) was still over $5000. You read correct 5 thousand. How is that possible?
We NEED welfare reform in this country. I have seen welfare fraud first hand (through mission trips and such), and it sickens me. Don't get me wrong some people do need welfare but so many of them are cheating the system it's just revolting. It's the trashiest people in America. Honestly, I think a massive welfare overall needs to happen within the next few years or we're screwed. I'm a very independent person, so I would never take any sort of aid from the government. I haven't taken a dime from my parents since I was 16, and I'm 18 now. I know there are a shortage of jobs, but there are a lot of jobs that people just don't want to do. I mean I needed so extra money this summer so I was a mascot for our local race track. I made $2,500! Sometimes it's looking for a job even if you don't like it.

I found this image funny, take a look.


  • Urine.jpg
    7.6 KB · Views: 134
I chatted with a woman in the checkout lane a few weeks ago. She seemed really nice as did her four kids. She, in conversation, offered up the fact she used the food stamp credit card thing and how it was so much nicer than having to use the old coupon style. She bought approx $350 worth of groceries most of which seemed reasonable. The shocking part was when she seemed proud to tell me her new available balance (which she pointed out on the receipt) was still over $5000. You read correct 5 thousand. How is that possible?

wow, I dont even know how that is possible. I have heard of people that didnt realize they were still getting foodstamps and never check the balance of their cards for a few months and then had maybe a 1000 bucks on it.

That is just crazy.
Good timing on this post.

Last weekend I was at my local grocery store and ran across two women using food stamps and then buying a crap ton of alcohol.

It was two twenty something moms each with two very young children. The first chick plopped $300 worth of food up...steaks, 4 live lobsters, shrimp.... the list goes on, but nothing that looked like toddler friendly food.

The second chick has around $250 in foods. She actually had some juice and crackers mixed in.

Both pay using a combo of WIC and the food stamps EBT cards.

Then, from a second shopping cart, they buy $230 in beer, wine, wine coolers, mixers...etc AND PAY IN CASH!

The whole time they were laughing and giggling about doing it again to burn off the rest of the EBT (food stamps) balance before more money was put on the cards in a few days.

I was livid.

I live alone, support myself and eat as good as I can on my very tight budget. These mouth breathing drains on society get to eat like queens of the ghetto.

Welfare is a career for these people.

Maybe I should squirt out a few kids so I can eat free lobster every night.
Statistically, the welfare/food stamp entitlement thing is much less of a percentage of the federal budget than other things are that are abused and can be cut....but this wasteful spending is something that we can see everytime we shop for groceries, so it does tend to get us angrier than things we can't actually see. And there is nothing like working a 60 hour week (like I do) and being dog tired and stopping for a few things and seeing this kind of blatent abuse going on to really roast my heinie.
Yeah, I want to see it end.
If I were Queen I would tie entitlements to drug testing and police records.
Anyone caught with drugs in their system, or arrested for anything more than a misdemenor is cut off for life, along with their immediate family.
That's how I would START.
Didn't they try that already?

And considering how easy it is to get a false positive off drug tests (Eating a poppyseed muffin will make you test positive for up to 48 hours), the number of people who will be literally left in the cold will be significant.

Also, people with criminal records already have huge barriers to employment due to having a record. Is the idea to make sure they have no choice but to go back to crime if they don't want to starve? Not exactly conducive to lowering recidivism.
... Also, people with criminal records already have huge barriers to employment due to having a record. Is the idea to make sure they have no choice but to go back to crime if they don't want to starve? Not exactly conducive to lowering recidivism.
I propose a one-way bus ticket and Canadian citizenship! ;) :grin01:
I'm genuinely curious, though. Like, this has bothered me for a long time. If the idea is that prison is supposed to reform people who break the law, and re-introduce them as productive members of society, ensuring that they are unemployed, homeless and have no support whatsoever actively works against that goal.

Is the intention that once someone breaks the law once, they are done for good? No one ever is redeemed and is not deserving of rights?

The biggest thing that I just cannot wrap my head around is this notion that prison is supposed to be harsh and brutal and prison terms should be very long and then when that person who now has a chip on their shoulder and view society as an oppressor can't get a job, or shelter or food.

And this is somehow the ideal outcome? Of course they're going to go back to crime.