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Export Order (home breeder are welcome too!)


New member
Hi, I am looking for breeder for long term business that that are able to export to Malaysia. It doesn't matter if you could not export directly as I don't mind to use some agent.
What I really look for is to get my hand on as much gene as I could find. Line bred stuff too. If you are a breeder working with little to quite a number of genes, PM me. I do not want to deal with anyone who sell non hets as hets or hets as non hets.
I am not in a rush to make an order so you can just let me know when I should expect you to be ready as I hope to be able to make a few orders per year.

Other colubrids are welcome too.

Thank you.
I have a few available this year (can make you a deal if you want the whole 15 lot), but I'm not sure I know an exporter. I'll see what I can find. :)
I'll be looking to move a lot of my 2013's quick. I have a wide variety of genes and hets available. I also still have around 300 2012's left.
