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Eyelash viper


New member
I took this shot the other day and thought I would share.

Freakin' amazing!
These guys are some of the most beautiful creatures in the world!:dancer:
some of my personal faves!

That is an incredibly beautiful shot, what an amazing snake! I seriously both love and envy your photography skills all at the same time. :bang:
What a cool picture. Wouldn't it be cool if people's eyesight, unaided, could see in such fine detail??
Wow, thanks everyone for the kind words! I guess I should target taking snake pictures instead of my usual macro bug shots. I really think I could have taken a better picture if I would have not been shaking so much. I posted this one because I thought the scales looked cool.

That is an amazing shot!! One of your snakes?

I saw him while on a walk. I was nervous getting so close (3 feet) but couldn't pass up the opportunity. I love eyelash vipers and this is the first one I was able to get a picture of. I carry anti-venom.

That is an incredibly beautiful shot, what an amazing snake! I seriously both love and envy your photography skills all at the same time. :bang:

I learned everything from the INTERNET. Just like I have learned everything about corn snakes here.:) Forums are awesome like that.

What a cool picture. Wouldn't it be cool if people's eyesight, unaided, could see in such fine detail??

Yes and no. I wouldn't be so fascinated with macro photography if I had the eyes for it.:spinner: When taking macro photos it is like seeing a different world that was right under your nose the whole time.

Again, thanks everyone!
Yes and no. I wouldn't be so fascinated with macro photography if I had the eyes for it.:spinner: When taking macro photos it is like seeing a different world that was right under your nose the whole time.
I agree entirely. I just had a clutch hatch and I got a couple really nice photos of egg teeth, which I simply cannot see that well with my eyes. Even just getting mediocre photos of them kept me trying for better ones.

Nice work! I'll be visiting friends in Panama over Christmas. Let me know if you have any travel recommendations!
He's gorgeous. I miss mine very much. They are such beautiful animals and so diverse in color
I agree entirely. I just had a clutch hatch and I got a couple really nice photos of egg teeth, which I simply cannot see that well with my eyes. Even just getting mediocre photos of them kept me trying for better ones.

Nice work! I'll be visiting friends in Panama over Christmas. Let me know if you have any travel recommendations!

I don't really know Panama that well but it is a beautiful place. All I can say is if you want pics of cool snakes, walk around at night, near water, keep your flashlight away from your body, and listen for frogs crying from being captured by snakes.

When you saw him, what was he doing? What time of day was it? How did he react to you??

He was laying in a bromeliad and we removed him and put him in a better area for photos. It was in the afternoon and he really was not that mad about the whole ordeal. My friends live in an area that is full of them. I should really get out and photo them more. I'll look for a green one next week.