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I have experienced my last elitiest, ignorant, and overall negative post on this board, and I am sad to say it is time for me to leave for good. Rich feel free to delete my account. I grow tired of the attitude provided by some of the "experienced" herpers here on the board. They belittle others, and display behavior similar to a teenage child bullying others to increase their own self-image. Farewell to those of you who were always kind: ItsSnowingCorns, Cheryl, and many others. Good luck in all you guys do with this board, and it's unfortunate that you allow people to behave in such a way.


you definately should not leave on the account of others. i understand how you can feel, but letting others influence your decision to leave kinda sucks. i dont know what has happened but it is unfortunate to see you leave on such a note. if it's something you gotta do i respect it...take care and good luck on your ventures!
I hate to see you go too Brian. It's a sad note when you think I"M a nice one! LOL! (I imagine that was a typo right!?!?) Consider sticking around and only reading half of what you see~ thats what I do.

Either way~ let me know if you need any help setting up your rodents. I liked you and your room-mate~ don't meet enough people I like anymore. I'd be more than willing to help you set up.

Good luck!
I hope you don't really leave Brian

Did I miss something?? :shrugs:
To anyone I may offend with this I do appologize it's not meant to be negative towards and handicapped people.

I had a friend that once told me that "arguing on the internet is like running in the special olympics, yeah you might win but you're still retarded."

So with that in mind I encourage you to stay.
OCSnakeman, don't leave on the account of thet thread (if thats your reasons).

Believe me not everyone is against you, trust me i know about that.
I really hope you decide to stay Brian. Remember that "ignore" button on your user cp? It works wonders. Don't forget, Peaches wants to meet Kaa in a couple of years!!! LOL :wavey:
Hey, if you're leaving over that thread, then please reconsider. There are some people on this forum who seem to just love to contradict everything anyone else says and inflate their undersised egos by stomping on other people and it looks like your thread fell victim (one even had a week of trying to intimidate me out of here...and failed miserably!).

There are a lot of good helpers here as well as the occasional moron, so don't let them spoil it for you.

The forum is good on many levels. As a beginner you can learn the basics and be inspired by others projects, and when you get more into your hobby, it's a great place to find more complex and specialised info, so don't give up on it.

So if you do come back to read this thread, please know that the majority of people here want to help.
princess said:
Hey, if you're leaving over that thread, then please reconsider. There are some people on this forum who seem to just love to contradict everything anyone else says and inflate their undersised egos by stomping on other people and it looks like your thread fell victim (one even had a week of trying to intimidate me out of here...and failed miserably!).

There are a lot of good helpers here as well as the occasional moron, so don't let them spoil it for you.

The forum is good on many levels. As a beginner you can learn the basics and be inspired by others projects, and when you get more into your hobby, it's a great place to find more complex and specialised info, so don't give up on it.

So if you do come back to read this thread, please know that the majority of people here want to help.

Agreed :) dont let threads like that get on top of you
Wow, I'm not sure how I missed that thread. It contains comments from some of the most elitist and argumentative members we have. Just like any other facet of life you must remember these people will exist anywhere. They're here to say, "I'm right and you're wrong and nothing else exists." The track records of the posters have followed this pattern ever since I first came to this site. I've begun to expect it.

It's a shame really because a few of them have such a wealth of knowledge that seems more like a trophy to them than something they're willing to freely give to others. I don't really know you, Brian, but I'd remember the dozens of other members who don't display this behavior that you disapprove of and reconsider leaving. I take great solace in the fact that NONE of the people I generally regard as the experts in that thread came in with argumentative comments. I continue to respect their opinions. That thread is a perfect example as to why we must all be steadfast in our pursuit to knowledge and consider every source from which we receive it.
If you are getting good information from this site and have friends you enjoy conversing with and enjoy posting and looking at other peoples pictures, then I definitely agree with Jen.....use the ignore button on threads that bother you.

Regretfully things like this are going to happen no matter what site you go to or, in fact, anything in life you get involved in. I am not saying it is right and I do not believe in bashing contests and think some of these bashing contests result from the inability to have "voice" inflection and tone in our written words and sometimes because we write quickly without realizing how our words could be interpretated which is a shame.

It would be a shame for you to leave because of some threads that get out of hand. Look for the good informative ones and enjoy your hobby.
I don't know how I missed this thread either, OC I'm sad to see you leave, (what will I do without Kaa?). I hope you reconsider but it's your decision, and you'll be missed I'm sure.
gardenmum said:
If you are getting good information from this site and have friends you enjoy conversing with and enjoy posting and looking at other peoples pictures, then I definitely agree with Jen.....use the ignore button on threads that bother you.
Agreed. Once again, I'll refer everyone to my 10 point plan for dealing with posters that upset you. Of course, I include myself in that set. ;)
Regretfully things like this are going to happen no matter what site you go to or, in fact, anything in life you get involved in. I am not saying it is right and I do not believe in bashing contests and think some of these bashing contests result from the inability to have "voice" inflection and tone in our written words and sometimes because we write quickly without realizing how our words could be interpretated which is a shame.
EXCELLENT point. As the written word is an incomplete communication medium, tone of voice, context, and even "non-verbal" cues need to be considered. That's why "smilies" are a cottage industry on the internet.

Meanwhile, let's also take into consideration that oft times, it's not the PERSON that's being bashed, but the CONCEPT that the poster is proposing/standing behind. Serp just made a GREAT post in the original thread which begat this one, stating that many people attach themselves to their opinions and ideas, and when those come under scrutiny, it's taken personally. More often than not, this is not the case - it's the ideas that are being deconstructed, not the person.

As another example, Dianne, I disagreed with the reasoning behind one of your posts a number of months ago, and explained why. To my knowledge, you did not take it as a personal attack, there was no intention to offend, and my respect for you was never diminished for you having taken your stance to begin with.

IMHO, this is how it should be. This is also why, for the most part, this forum works so well, with the give and take of information and ideas.

"It's not personal, Sonny. It's business." -- Michael Corleone, "The Godfather"
OKay, I have just stumbled onto this thread and I am not sure why OC is leaving. All I can say is that I have been in the middle of some very bad fights that were started because I disagreed with a person's idea (not the person himself) and then he went on to attack me. Yet, here I am, still being the annoying horsefly that won't go away without a good solid answer to questions I have asked and still putting up with personal attacks that some people feel need to be slung, just to try to discredit my questions and ideas. Why have I not left? Because I don't feel that I should just give in and hide in a little corner. Some people call it arrogance, or stupididty, or the inability to "be wrong", but I do not let people push me around. I'm sorry if I have said anything to offend or upset you OC in this post or any previous, but I'm not going to ask you NOT to leave. That is your decision and I cannot change it, but I also do not support running away from things you don't agree with, or ignoring them. You can chose to respond in many ways, and neither of those are good ways to respond to a problem IMO. Address it, get involved with trying to get people to avoid it, try to change the subject, but don't run away. Getting emotionally attached to this forum, or what people say in here or in chat or wherever, is only going to drive you to do something you'll regret. (All this BS coming from an 18 year old. Can you believe it?? LAMO) Just approach each new post with a cool head and don't freak out when someone says something you don't like. That's the only way you'll survive the negative posts on this forum.
sentiment and information appreciated.

Please allow me to retort the statements that were posted regarding non-personal meanings. Explain to me how the inflection ( word choice not representative of emotion or meaning ) is absent in this statement:

Bicker, Whine, Moan, Complain.

The guy is listing what he has into his sunglows. Thats all.

Hijacking others threads and turning them into a flame-fest is pointless.
Are you buying a sunglow from him? If not, then keep your comments on his advertising and breeding preferences out of this particular thread, which is intended for his sale of the clutch he is preparing.

It needed to be said. Flame me if you want.


Serpwidgets said:
Yes, that would be an accurate title for your post.
That was a direct, blunt, attack on my simple statement. This can be taken no other way.

jazzgeek said:
:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

Watch out, Zach! OC just might tell ya that you have no life!!


I voted selectively bred amel. And Good Lord, we better have minimum standards, otherwise we'll get into some more "granite", "Raider", "mocha", "lavender", blahblahblah contests.


Yet another personal statement, insulting to say the least. Not directed towards me...but placed in a public forum.

These are just a couple pieces of evidence I wish to present to those who state they have done nothing wrong, and "Dont mean anything by it"

For those who care, I have decided to remain on this board, but will no longer be posting at ANY point. I feel this is the best way to continue learning ( which i have done a LOT of, those who know me know me from day 1 when i first got Kaa ). If you wish me to post pics of Kaa, Phantom, or Vlad I would be happy to email them to you, but they will not be posted here.

My email for contact is [email protected] or you can PM me here and I'll check those.


OCsnakeman said:
Bicker, Whine, Moan, Complain.

"Yes, that would be an accurate title for your post."

That was a direct, blunt, attack on my simple statement. This can be taken no other way.
Oh please. You told people they needed to get a life, and called them names, all in one post. Nobody forced you to post that, you felt the need to inject hostility and insult into an argument where nobody was talking to you or about you, and then acted "offended" at the reaction you got.

You can try to characterize it as a "simple statement" but it was a direct, blunt attack on people who happen to care whether or not someone else is telling them their sunglows are not really sunglows. Just because that isn't important to you doesn't mean nobody else is allowed to care about it. I said to you EXACTLY what you said. I find it ironic that you think your statement was "a simple (and innocent) statement" yet the same exact response directed at you is an unwarranted attack. :sobstory:
yet again another needless dig at his goodbye post, did you not think youve done enough damage with your needless argumentative posts???
sorry (i dont usually argue with people on forums) but you really taken the lions share of well thought out ****!!!
i wish for nobody to think that im a trouble maker by posting this but GET A LIFE!!!!
freaky-styley said:
yet again another needless dig at his goodbye post, did you not think youve done enough damage with your needless argumentative posts???
sorry (i dont usually argue with people on forums) but you really taken the lions share of well thought out ****!!!
i wish for nobody to think that im a trouble maker by posting this but GET A LIFE!!!!
as the edit buttons gone just like to add that this is to anybody who is still trying to argue there point!
freaky-styley said:
yet again another needless dig at his goodbye post, did you not think youve done enough damage with your needless argumentative posts???
sorry (i dont usually argue with people on forums) but you really taken the lions share of well thought out ****!!!
i wish for nobody to think that im a trouble maker by posting this but GET A LIFE!!!!

I fail to see where I was digging at OC's post at all. I was just supplying my advice for not letting people like you get under his skin. If you feel that you need to come here and tell others to "get a life", I think you may be lacking in that area. Maybe something I said may have rubbed you wrong, but you have no business telling others that they are in the wrong. I don't see where my post was argumentative in any way, shapr, or form, or any of the others here (until OC posted again) were that way either. From what I see on this thread is OC saying "you win, I won't do anything but read, I won't even participate because I don't like people arguing." That is his right and his decision. He gets to live with it, the rest of us can go on without him, and we can even contact him if we want to talk. I have not attacked him in any way. The rest of the posts were all "please don't go away, we don't want you to leave, it's really not that bad." Again, they had every right to post that and again there was no attacking. My post simply stated that I would not miss him, and that I do not support his decision to leave, and I gave my reasons. Whether or not he agrees with me doesn't matter, because he does not need my imput to decide to post his next statement which was a blatant attack on a couple of members, though he may not see it that way. Serp's response was accurate, and, though it may be attacking, showed that even OC doesn't neccessrily practice what he preaches 100% of the time. Your post, however, is neither needed, nor helpful in any way on this thread, so I'll tell you what you so brazenly told all of us. "GET A LIFE"