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Favorite BP Morph?


Shameless Addict
Been browsing these lately, and while the complexities of co-dominant morphs is probably too overwhelming for me to ever take up breeding them, I do find myself admiring the results. But i dislike how ball pythons "brown out" as they age--a shame when they start out so beautiful! :[ Still, I am particularly fond of pastels and lessers, cinnamon every now and then, too. Clown's appeal evades me, but it could be the extraordinary price tag that puts me off. xD

Just wondering what everyone else's favorite Ball Python morphs were? Can name just one, a detailed list of hundreds, or what-have-you. Just curious. :]
Mine is pretty simple. A lot look fantastic imo but the solid white blue eyed leucistics are my all time favorite

My girl and only bp
I don't own any ball pythons, but if I was going to get one, I like bumblebees and hypo mojaves.
I find I love the looks of a lot of the BP morphs I see but those are almost always hatchling to yearling aged ones and I'm almost always disappointed by how the adult of whatever morph looks like when I finally find pictures of one.
I also am partial to the BEL...I had the chance to snag one up at the reptile show this last weekend but he wanted a little more than I had on me so I picked up mah hoggie instead. That said, I also like the look of anery BP as well.
Mine is pretty simple. A lot look fantastic imo but the solid white blue eyed leucistics are my all time favorite.

I'm very interested in genetics, and intrigued by how multiple morphs in "super" form lead to the same resulting morph. It's interesting.

Pretty partial to Purple Passions.

These are really nice! My favorite color is purple. :3

Favorite BP morph?

The one that doesn't drain my bank acct???

Lol. Yeah, this. This may be the main, ultimate reason for me not getting into ball pythons. xD My poor bank account... T___T