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FeatherWolf New To The Forum


Greetings from Patricia and her corn clan Shylo, Violet, Domino and Golden Child. Very first Corn was a normal named SWNN (Snake WITH No Name) who I had for 21 years. Now I have the two Okeetees Violet (f) And Shylo (m) adults and the newest ones Golden Child (brown and gold normal) and Domino (anery) who are a year old next month. Violet and Shylo I got as 5 yr old adults who had never been on real soil. a month after they moved into their nice Exo Terra Violet surprised me with eggs I wasn't ready for but were not fertile. This year, no eggs (and I was ready) Domino and Golden share an Exo Terra too.
Thanks guys and it is a wealth of knowledge. I am part of a corn snake group and colubrid group on Facebook which is how I found this forum. Im considered the weirdo in the family because I am the only girl of 4 siblings and the only one who likes reptiles. My husband is wonderfully tolerant but more of the cat person. We do have three of those and had a Sunday Conure too but she died of old age about 6 months ago. No more birds. Happy with the pets I have.
Welcome to the forums!! You'll find all sorts of great information in the stickies, as well as totally amazeball photographs of beautiful snakes. (seriously, some great photography here) There are some great stories too.

You may want to get separate cages for your scalekids though, Cohabbing them can stress them - they are more the lone wolf sort, and really only get together to mate.
Oh I know about the risks. The two Okeetees were together for the first 5 years before I got them and I have the tank set up for places they can get away from eachother. Most of the time they hang together and neither really got restless at all this year during breeding season. They just didn't seem interested in eachother. I have a spare small tank if I need to separate. The two yearlings are the same way. Sometimes apart and sometimes hanging out together. I always put in separate tubs for feeding. I have a small apartment and am trying to find a home to rent (that wont be freaked out by the snakes) where I can add two more tanks and spread everyone out. The yearlings were OK together in the 10 gallon as babies but as they grew they got alittle feisty but I know they were just getting too crowded. With the big exo terras they can be away from each other if they want but are alot calmer now that they have lots of space. They still spend most of their time together. I need to get the yearlings sexed to see what I have. I don't want them breeding early if I have one of each sex. If they are opposite sexes one will go in the spare tank. Renting can really be hard when people think all snakes are giant monsters. I am lucky in this apt because mgrs know about the corns but are OK (they used to have boas as pets) just too small a space for lots of tanks.
(nods) there's whole threads here about landlords and dealing with them... Some people have no problems, and others totally freak out - because obviously cornsnakes will shatter the cages and then hunt down and eat any small children and pets in the apartment building (tongue in cheek) quite vicious beasties you know, grow to enormous sizes...

When I talk to people about them, I mention that I don't feed live (dangerous to the snake, etc) and how corns are sort of like the domestic cat of the snake world (all the colors, easy to keep, don't get too big, docile, etc) I don't know how much it helps, but I try to give a picture of harmlessness and lack of impact on the property (stays in a cage, doesn't shred carpet or pee on things like cats and dogs, don't smell etc.)
Welcome to the forum! Lots of great info here on the forum, and if you cannot find what you are looking for, I am sure one of the members will be able to help!
Welcome from another in Phoenix! I live in Maricopa, are you in Maricopa or Mesa?
Havent been here in awhile. Well after a second season with my beautiful Okeetees Violet and Shylo not breeding despite all kinds of tips and ideas I decided to have them probed even tho I was told when I bought them they were boy and girl 5 yr olds. Low and behold they both turned out to be girls! Arrrggghhhh! 2 mos ago I had Golden and Domino probed and they are both girls. Kinda makes it hard to have babies that way. So tomorrow morning this little guy is going to be on my doorstep and will be the prince for the princesses in waiting. Meet Capone!