> Is there anything in particular I should make sure I do when packing?
Federal law requires double containment. most people don't do this, but I suggest you do it...at least for the same package. Put a deli cup in a pillow case. That's do it. ALSO, include a letter explaining how you ship. It makes the process move smoothly. EMAIL ME, and I can give you a copy of the letter I used. About 30 people have used it to get approved, so it seems to work fine. Any letter - or none at all - seems to work, but why not make it easy? Put a heat or cold pack, but don't open/freeze it. Explain you use one otr the other as necessary (in my letter already).
> Also where does everyone get the perfect little box and styrofoam 'walls'?
Superior enterprises is where most people get them. Remember, to be legal, the box MUST contain a receipt/invoice listing the common and scientific name of the animals - and how many of each - are in the box. I'm not sure if FedEx requires this, but do it for your sample package. Same on the outside being labeled as containing live harmless reptiles. Both of those are stipulations of the Lacey Act for the interstate trade in reptiles (well, live animals, but we are talking snakes). FedEx doesn't seem to always require this, but it is the law. No ands, ifs, or buts! Do it for your sample box at the very least.....lol.
> Also should I poke holes through the box/styrofoam? Or should I leave it?
No, don't do it.
ALSO, since you must label the box "live harnmless reptiles" and ship it regularly, you do NOT want to ship it "as is." Put it inside of a slightly larger box to protect it (and explain you are having the INNER BOX approved only) - and this is the RECOMMENDED METHOD - or wrap it in thick paper and put the label on the outside of the brown paper. Explain that you will not normally use the wrapping paper, but you put that to protect the box being approved.