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Feeding Adult Cornsnake Small Mice


working in the Gulag
Humphrey more often than not refuses if I give him a full-sized mouse. I have a whole bunch of smallish mice (they were labelled hoppers but they are bigger than hoppers to my eye). He will take these smaller mice with enthusiasm but they don't leave much of a lump. I know adults should be fed every 7-14 days, but since Humphrey only takes small mice I am doing about every 7 days. I don't have my weights with me but he has been stable for at least 6 weeks (since I got the scale) on this regimen. Does this seem OK? Or should I try to convince him to take bigger mice?

He is active, pooping, etc. Last shed was 9/09.
My king is like that. He refuses anything too big, so I give him and my adult corn smaller ones every week and they stay completely stable. As long as he's not losing, then this type of maintenance should be fine. I've had my adult corn on the same size and schedule since I got him in 08, and he was 3 years old then. He's at almost exactly the same weight as when I got him.
My 5 yr old Hypo girl is exactly like that. So I usually feed 2 smaller mice. Its just your snakes way of telling you who is really in charge......;)
Its just your snakes way of telling you who is really in charge
Major LOLs!

I have an adult male on small mice. He runs to fat on anything bigger and is maintaining his (already slightly "ample") weight on one small mouse every 2-3 weeks. I was rather hoping his waistline would reduce a bit, but there's been no sign of that in the last year of reduced feeding, so I figure it just suits him. Don't want to take it any lower.

Each one is individual. As long as they eat reliably, I don't worry too much.
My Male Butter Motley is like that too. Try and feed him a full sized mouse and he will show interest, but won't eat it. I feed him hoppers and he takes them readily. He has maintained his weight and seems to do fine. Good to know there are a few others out here who have a snake that is picky about size. LOL.
For an adult male, I would have no worries.

Mike you got me worried,
Why would it be any different for a female? Assuming she is maintaining a healthy weight, and activity? She has given me healthy clutches and many healthy babies...