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feeding corn snake/mice breeding?


New member
Hi, all. I just bought my mice colony to raise mice to feed my cornsnakes. I tried to look up some things on mice breeding, and found some info. I have bought 1 male, and 2 females. Problem! I can't seem to find out how old they need to be to raise young. The ones I bought are only 5 weeks old, but the pet shop seemed to think that I will have young to feed my snake in a couple of months. Is this possible? I won't get my snake till sometime in August. It will be a hatchling snake, Okeetee. I am waiting patiently for August to come. I guess I will need to buy some pinkies from somewhere till these are ready to have young.
Sorry, the question is how old for these guys to raise young? I did find out that the gestation peroid is only 20 days. These guys are so young! Sorry for rambling! Have a great day!
Thanks Kellum

Remember these guys are only 5 weeks old, I don't know how old they are when they start breeding. I am able to sell some of the mice back to the pet shop. The rest I will sell, and freeze to feed my snake.
Mice can reach sexual maturity in 42 days after birth. I doubt they will waste any time before gettin' busy. That's what mice do- make more mice. So your mice are close to being ready and you have a 20ish day gestation period. It's possible you could have a lot of pinkies ready for you snake when it arrives.

I would breed my own mice but ya know they smell really bad and they bite. I guess I would feel different if I had a bunch of snakes.

I just got my first order in from RodentPro. 100 hoppers neatly packed, evenly sized (more or less) and only 51¢ each when you factor in shipping. My cheapest local pet store charges $1.79 each for frozen hoppers. $2.00 for a full mouse.

Anyway-I'm ramblin'

I have my own little mouse coloney and let me tell you... THEY DO STINK... but mice do start breeding very very early... almost by the time they are weened is when they are able to get pregnent... but mice breed like crazy! each mouse has about 6-10 babys so youll be looking good when both of the mom mice have pinkys... pinkys for weeks... hmmm im rambling on also... youll understand everything in about 3 weeks... and I know youll get a wonderful snake!
here a few stats for you--I have 60 breeders on and off, I can count on most of my females rebreeding every 28 days on average. 6-10 is accurate for young breeders, but I have some that produce as many as 18-22 pups. If your not getting your snake until August, your going to need to decide to freeze the ones you produce. Otherwise you will be overun by mice. The only way to keep them from breeding is to seperate males from females. I sell some of mine to the pet store -freeze some, but most of them are consumed by my 50+ snakes. Best of Luck!
Thanks everyone! :)

That helps a lot, I am glad I don't have to wory about the supply of mice for snakes. Now I need to turn loose a very good hunting snake to catch that darn mouse that is running loose in my house!!! I have been trying to catch this mouse all winter, it is a wild one, and now I must be infested!!! It will not get into any of my traps!!! I was just kidding about turning the snake loose, but I really do have a wild mouse that I can't seem to catch!
I will be freezing any surplus mice/pinkies, and selling some to the pet store, (they make 600 percent profit on these!) and if I really need to my daughter has several cats that love mice :) So far my colony is adapted to their tank, my son (19) is watching them play, but he is ok with freezing their young, so no problem there. Now I will wait for the pinkies to come. Thanks again everyone! Monna~~waiting for August/and my snake!

look at all of the above.......i would answer this but all i would of done would be me repeating wot they said...

Lizzy and Sidney