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feeding i know i know lots of people ask but HELP!


New member
Hi my names Ashley and i recently adopted a corn snake she is almost 4yrs old and hasn't eaten for about 3months. I have tried everything the temp and humidity are right i've used a separate feeding tank i've tried everything suggested. i need help asap! thanks
also i've heard feeding live mice can help but shes never been fed live food before and i don't know if i feel comfortable doing it do to what i have read and what is recommended
Ok, some questions:
How long have you had her?
Has she ever eaten for you?
Are you feeding her the same size, etc. as the previous owners?
How are you trying to feed her?
How often are you offering her food?

DON'T feed her live. If she is 4 and has never handled live prey, now is not a good time to start.

All snakes are different, so you just have to find what works for her. The zombie dance, making her strike at it? Gently pushing it against her nose? Maybe she'll only eat a night, or only in the dark, or only when she can't see/smell other snakes or people. Some people swear by the paper bag method. Sometimes the snake needs to be left alone overnight, sometimes you have to brain or cut the mouse.

Sometimes it is the mice themselves... maybe they smell funny or maybe the batch is bad. Maybe they are the wrong color. This is why it is helpful to know exactly what the past owners were feeding her.

Try washing the mice with some dish soap and water, then patting them dry. Try scenting them with tuna water.

Just remember, don't offer her food too often because it can make her get into a pattern of refusing.
If you haven't had her long, then she'll still be settling in. We recommend that new owners not offer food or handle them for a week after they first arrive, to let them calm down and get used to new sights/smells.

Are you sure she's a "she"? Adult males will go on hunger strike round about this time of year, as they're more interesting in luuurve!

Once the settling down period is over, try offering a smaller food size than she's used to. So if she's eating an adult mouse (which she probably is), try offering a fuzzy - almost like a treat. That might be enough to tempt her to start.

Try making the food very hot immediately before you offer it. Pop the mouse in a baggie and drop the baggie into very hot water for a couple of minutes. Sometimes the fact that food is giving off heat, stimulates them to eat.

Another trick to try is leaving her in the feeding tub with the mouse, overnight (as long as the tub is escape-proof and it can be kept at the right temperature). Some will only eat if left completely alone.

Do you know if the previous owner fed her in her tank or in a separate tub? It's probably best to stick to the technique that she's used, to while you're trying to get her started.

As she's never had live food, I agree that you shouldn't try that until/unless it really does become the last resort.
How long have you had her? I have had her for about two months now.

Has she ever eaten for you? No she hasn't eaten for me yet :(

Are you feeding her the same size, etc. as the previous owners? When she was given to me she came with the packaged mice so yes the same shes been eating.

How are you trying to feed her?the previous owner printed me out directions on how to feed her, preparing of the food, presentation etc. I've done the zombie dance, cut the mouse, put a blanket of her tank, left the mouse in there all night. Its making me seriously worry.

How often are you offering her food? about every 7 days which makes me nervous cause i have heard of snakes making it a habit not to eat but what is offering to much once a week?

The previous owner told me that she did this last spring but she hasn't eaten for me in two months and the previous owner said it had been about a month and a half since shed eaten for her. thats almost four months!

I was told that she is a she but im not positive. the previous owner fed her in her tank that she is always in.

what is the paper bag method?
Paper bag method is when you put the snake and the f/t rodent in a paper bag, then fold it up with a clip or clothes pin. Place it in a warm dark place for several hours, but keep an eye on it because they are escape artists:) Try not to peek in the bag too much, because it will stress out the snake and deture them from eating...goodluck!
Another thing you can try is chicken broth. We had to do that with one of the snakes in our classroom at my college that wouldn't eat. just warm up the chicken broth and then put the mouse in it for a few moments. I have a picky eater that has to be covered otherwise he won't touch the mouse.
Paper bag method is when you put the snake and the f/t rodent in a paper bag, then fold it up with a clip or clothes pin. Place it in a warm dark place for several hours, but keep an eye on it because they are escape artists:) Try not to peek in the bag too much, because it will stress out the snake and deture them from eating...goodluck!
four year old corn is going to need a big paper bag. She is probably a HE and he probably wants to have sex.
four year old corn is going to need a big paper bag. She is probably a HE and he probably wants to have sex.

The question asked was "What is the paper bag method" I answered it correctly, and you can place a adult snake in a large paper bag if needed. Male or female is not the point when the question is "What is the paper method".
Okay guys thanks so much i will try this sunday and let you know...
As far as offering food too often is once a week too much???