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Feeding Options.


New member
Looks like I have a beautiful Classic Corn neonate lined up. I like giving any snake a varied diet. I have a Buddy who breeds brown and green anoles. I was wondering if they are readily accepted by CB Corns.

I don't see why a baby corn would not readily accept anoles, as they would be the main diet in the wild for hatchlings. As your corn gets older you can also feed things like quail chicks. There was even someone here who had dwarf rabbit pinks that they gave as a treat.
You could feed it anoles, but be careful because it can be hard to switch them from a lizard diet to a mouse diet. I would start it out with mice because of that reason.
The biggest worry I would have with anoles is the possibility of parasites, though that might be less of an issue with captive bred ones.
could of swore

There were phrases, words, labels whatever like "varied" diet and "captive" bred.

And you can read one in the post just above your last one from Starsevol. And it is "could have sworn" if you want to get technical.

You aren't going to get along well with others in this sandbox, I think.
There were phrases, words, labels whatever like "varied" diet and "captive" bred.


Some animals will develop an exclusive preference and can be very difficult to switch to something else. Hence our warnings.

Captive bred doesn't mean squat regarding parasites. Snakes can get parasites from eating live captive bred mice. You cannot guarantee that the live anoles are parasite free.

A bit of research into husbandry would tell you these things.