First and formost i want to say this a great site. The info is great and the people are even better. I for the first time, had baby corn snakes hatch. July 3-4. 4 of 6 eggs hatched. My problem is the feeding. One has eaten twice while the others refuse. I believed i have tried every method i have read. I live in South Florida, and went as far as chasing lizards in my backyard. I have scented pinkies with them, brained pinkies, pieced pinkies, tails of hoppers and even offered the small lizards themselves. I have done this with leaving the food in the container for 24 hours, without disturbing them. The next day i start out with fresh food and water. My concern is how long can the newborns go without there first feeding. I thought i read in Kathy Love's book, it could take up to 4 months. Can anybody tell me this is not an abnormal situation i have. And that you have overcome it. Thanks again Reg