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i believe my corn might have adopted a bad habbit, she has been eating the mice, butt first, im not sure why this is. It started out with sjtu pinkies, i think that is where it developed from. She has graduated to fuzzys now and she is more on track with eating them head first but sometimes she goes back to eating them backwards> and last time i fed her i dont know if it was becaseu she was really hungry but she didnt even try to constrict the Fuzzy like times in the past she jsut started to choke it down head first... this made me feel really bad. plus i was playing with the mouse earlier that day, it is jsut so "cute" food shouldnt have to look like that, if you can help me out that would be great :idea:
oh thanks alot DAND i have to start searching around more, thnaks again.. :eatpointe